DIIIACG Introduces Inaugural #d3Donates Campaign

DIIIACG Introduces Inaugural #d3Donates Campaign

LAWRENCEVILLE, Ga. -- The Division III Assistant/Associate Commissioners Group (DIIIACG) launches its inaugural #d3Donates campaign for the 2020-21 academic year.

The #d3Donates campaign is, at its core, a voluntary, student-athlete driven initiative. Activating participants throughout the Division III landscape – and the division’s 180,000-plus student-athletes – will be largely dependent on both the cooperation and collaboration of our student-athletes. Developing creative and effective ways to engage and connect with their peers during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic hasn’t been easy, but the perseverance of Division III student-athletes is what will make this incredible initiative a success.
“I commend the members of the DIIIACG’s SAAC Standing Committee for their work on this initiative,” noted DIIIACG Chair Mike Christie . “Division III student-athletes are consistently assisting their communities in a variety of ways throughout the academic year and #d3Donates is a great way to help showcase those efforts.” 
Division III conferences across the country will come together to participate in this community building campaign. The #d3Donates campaign will launch today, November 19, and run through the end of Division III Week in April 2021.
“We are very excited about the launch of this initiative. This initiative will help bring everyone across Division III together to highlight the great work that our student-athletes continue to do," said DIIIACG SAAC Standing Committee Chair Shannon O'Brien. "This opportunity is truly special, as it offers an infinite number of ways for each conference, school or individual to donate in their own unique way."
Get Involved!
The #d3Donates campaign is a five-month endeavor that will showcase the many ways that NCAA Division III student-athletes are positively impacting their communities. Through the donation of an individual's time, food, or other resources, the initiative will promote the spirit of giving throughout the athletics community.
Student-athletes who participate in #d3Donates can share photos and videos of their community service efforts on social media by using the hashtag #d3Donates. The hashtag #d3Donates should also serve as a call to action for Division III student-athletes to participate in the campaign. #d3Donates will not compile metrics related to the campaign but encourage participation for the good of the community.
Not sure how to donate? Here are a few examples:
1. Volunteer or give to your local food bank or food pantry
2. Donate to social justice initiatives or charities
3. Raise awareness and get involved with or help fundraise for nonprofit organizations like Special Olympics
4. Donate coats, blankets, gloves, hats during the winter months
5. Support a small business affected by COVID-19
6. Help seniors by volunteering to make cards and letters or deliver meals and groceries
7. Spend an afternoon collecting trash at your local park
8. Donate blood or plasma
9. Participate in a fun run/walk to raise awareness for a cause
10. Get creative, look for unique ways to help your community
The Division III Assistant Commissioners Group (DIIIACG) is a subcommittee of the Division III Commissioners Association (DIIICA). The group advocates for, encourages and promotes mutual trust and friendly relations among its members. The DIIIACG is committed to the exchange of ideas, programming and materials that will enhance the intercollegiate athletics programs of their respective colleges and universities.
DIIIACG SAAC Standing Committee members:
Chris Attwood, Southern California Intercollegiate Athletic Conference
Lauren Bryne, Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
Erin Cummings, Atlantic East Conference
Clayton Felts, Southern Athletic Association
Kevin Fenstermacher, Presidents’ Athletic Conference
Shannon O’Brien, North Coast Athletic Conference
Isaiah Rodgers, Old Dominion Athletic Conference
Marie Stroman, Middle Atlantic Conference
Amber Thomas, Centennial Conference