2024 SCAC Volleyball

Trinity (Tex.)

Match Results

2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Match Results (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall Conference Date Opponent Score Match results Record Record Time Attend ---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------ 08/30/24 CORTLAND W 3-0 25-14,25-23,25-22 1-0 0-0 1:20 200 08/31/24 EAST TEX. BAPTIST W 3-2 25-15,25-17,27-29,22-25,15-8 2-0 0-0 2:19 294 08/31/24 SAINT BENEDICT W 3-1 25-27,25-21,25-21,25-16 3-0 0-0 1:51 214 09/06/24 vs Johns Hopkins 1-3 L 14-25,19-25,25-21,19-25 3-1 0-0 1:48 73 09/06/24 vs Claremont-M-S 1-3 L 8-25,14-25,25-21,23-25 3-2 0-0 1:48 53 09/07/24 at WashU 1-3 L 20-25,18-25,25-19,21-25 3-3 0-0 1:43 173 TEAM RECORD W-L ---------- --- Overall: 3-3 Conference: 0-0 Home: 3-0 Away: 0-1 Neutral: 0-2 3 sets : 1-0 4 sets : 1-3 5 sets : 1-0 ATTEND Dates Total Average ------ ----- ------- ------- Total: 6 1007 168 Home: 3 708 236 Away: 1 173 173 Neutral: 2 126 63

Overall Team Statistics

2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Overall Team Statistics (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall record: 3-3 Conf: 0-0 Home: 3-0 Away: 0-1 Neutral: 0-2 TEAM STATISTICS TU OPP -------------------------------------------------------- ATTACK........................ Kills....................... 282 304 Errors...................... 104 136 Total Attacks............... 790 823 Attack Pct.................. .225 .204 Kills/Set................... 11.8 12.7 SET........................... Assists..................... 268 287 Attempts.................... 790 812 Assist Pct.................. .339 .353 Assists/Set................. 11.2 12.0 SERVE......................... Aces........................ 59 55 Errors...................... 53 36 Attempts.................... 520 524 Serve Pct................... .898 .931 Aces/Set.................... 2.5 2.3 SERVE RECEPTIONS.............. Errors...................... 55 59 Errors/Set.................. 2.3 2.5 Attempts.................... 488 467 Reception Pct............... .887 .874 DEFENSE....................... Digs........................ 320 360 Digs/Set.................... 13.3 15.0 BLOCKING...................... Block Solo.................. 12 5 Block Assist................ 102 85 Total Blocks................ 63.0 47.5 Blocks/Set.................. 2.6 2.0 Block Errors................ 6 6 Ball handling errors.......... 1 1 ATTENDANCE.................... Total....................... 708 173 Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 3/236 1/173 Neutral site #/Avg.......... 2/63 Current win streak.......... 0 - Home win streak............. 3 - MATCH WINS BY #SETS 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Trinity (Tex.)...... 0 0 1 1 1 - 3 Opponents........... 0 0 0 3 0 - 3 SETS WON BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Trinity (Tex.)...... 2 3 5 1 1 - 12 Opponents........... 4 3 1 4 0 - 12 POINTS BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Trinity (Tex.)...... 117 126 152 110 15 - 520 Opponents........... 131 136 133 116 8 - 524

Overall Individual Statistics

2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Overall Individual Statistics (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall record: 3-3 Conf: 0-0 Home: 3-0 Away: 0-1 Neutral: 0-2 |-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------| ## Name SP-MP-MS K K/Set E TA Pct A A/Set TA Pct SA SA/S SE TA Pct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 6-0 86 3.58 37 218 .225 0 0.00 3 .000 14 0.58 11 101 .891 12 Courtney Pope 24 6-0 49 2.04 12 108 .343 0 0.00 4 .000 0 0.00 0 1 1.000 4 Maddie Fate 24 6-0 48 2.00 8 99 .404 0 0.00 5 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000 7 Reagan Whatley 23 6-0 46 2.00 14 155 .206 2 0.09 15 .133 6 0.26 5 73 .932 16 Taylor Starr 24 6-0 25 1.04 10 63 .238 2 0.08 5 .400 5 0.21 12 63 .810 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 5-0 14 0.93 8 59 .102 0 0.00 1 .000 0 0.00 0 1 1.000 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 6-0 8 0.33 0 13 .615 121 5.04 317 .382 12 0.50 11 101 .891 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 6-0 2 0.15 5 21 -.143 0 0.00 3 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000 21 Marissa Drange 6 2-0 2 0.33 1 6 .167 0 0.00 1 .000 0 0.00 1 2 .500 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 6-0 1 0.04 0 17 .059 22 0.92 100 .220 8 0.33 2 91 .978 1 Jozie Dhayer 24 6-0 1 0.04 4 13 -.231 117 4.88 323 .362 7 0.29 7 64 .891 14 Lauren McCarthy 3 2-0 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 0 0.00 0 .000 1 0.33 2 4 .500 2 Cassidy MacLean 5 3-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 1 .000 0 0.00 0 6 1.000 24 Grace King 18 5-0 0 0.00 4 15 -.267 2 0.11 5 .400 0 0.00 1 1 .000 5 Annabelle Lanik 6 2-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 2 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000 11 Brynn Bishop 4 2-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 0.50 5 .400 6 1.50 1 12 .917 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 6-6 282 11.75 104 790 .225 268 11.17 790 .339 59 2.46 53 520 .898 Opponents........... 24 6-6 304 12.67 136 823 .204 287 11.96 812 .353 55 2.29 36 524 .931 |----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------| ## Name S RE TA Pct DIG Dig/S BS BA Total Blk/S BE BHE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 3 29 .897 25 1.04 2 5 7 0.29 0 0 12 Courtney Pope 24 0 0 .000 5 0.21 0 22 22 0.92 1 0 4 Maddie Fate 24 0 2 1.000 1 0.04 5 22 27 1.12 2 0 7 Reagan Whatley 23 8 134 .940 62 2.70 3 7 10 0.43 1 0 16 Taylor Starr 24 0 0 .000 6 0.25 1 28 29 1.21 1 0 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 0 2 1.000 7 0.47 1 7 8 0.53 1 0 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 0 1 1.000 40 1.67 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 3 21 .857 7 0.54 0 11 11 0.85 0 0 21 Marissa Drange 6 4 21 .810 4 0.67 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 18 177 .898 107 4.46 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1 Jozie Dhayer 24 0 0 .000 36 1.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 1 2 Cassidy MacLean 5 2 3 .333 1 0.20 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 5 Annabelle Lanik 6 0 2 1.000 1 0.17 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 11 Brynn Bishop 4 1 29 .966 7 1.75 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 14 Lauren McCarthy 3 0 0 .000 1 0.33 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 24 Grace King 18 11 62 .823 10 0.56 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 TEAM 5 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 55 488 .887 320 13.33 12 102 63.0 2.62 6 1 Opponents........... 24 59 467 .874 360 15.00 5 85 47.5 1.98 6 1

Category Leaders

2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Category Leaders (September 7, 2024) All matches ## ATTACK (by K) S K K/S E TA Pct -------------------------------------------------------- 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 86 3.58 37 218 .225 12 Courtney Pope 24 49 2.04 12 108 .343 4 Maddie Fate 24 48 2.00 8 99 .404 7 Reagan Whatley 23 46 2.00 14 155 .206 16 Taylor Starr 24 25 1.04 10 63 .238 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 14 0.93 8 59 .102 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 8 0.33 0 13 .615 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 2 0.15 5 21 -.143 21 Marissa Drange 6 2 0.33 1 6 .167 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 1 0.04 0 17 .059 1 Jozie Dhayer 24 1 0.04 4 13 -.231 14 Lauren McCarthy 3 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 24 Grace King 18 0 0.00 4 15 -.267 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 282 11.75 104 790 .225 Opponents........... 24 304 12.67 136 823 .204 ## SET (by A) S A A/S TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 121 5.04 317 .382 1 Jozie Dhayer 24 117 4.88 323 .362 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 22 0.92 100 .220 7 Reagan Whatley 23 2 0.09 15 .133 16 Taylor Starr 24 2 0.08 5 .400 11 Brynn Bishop 4 2 0.50 5 .400 24 Grace King 18 2 0.11 5 .400 2 Cassidy MacLean 5 0 0.00 1 .000 5 Annabelle Lanik 6 0 0.00 2 .000 21 Marissa Drange 6 0 0.00 1 .000 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 0 0.00 3 .000 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 0 0.00 1 .000 4 Maddie Fate 24 0 0.00 5 .000 12 Courtney Pope 24 0 0.00 4 .000 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 0 0.00 3 .000 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 268 11.17 790 .339 Opponents........... 24 287 11.96 812 .353 ## BLOCK (by Total) S BS BA Total Blk/S BE ------------------------------------------------------- 16 Taylor Starr 24 1 28 29.0 1.21 1 4 Maddie Fate 24 5 22 27.0 1.12 2 12 Courtney Pope 24 0 22 22.0 0.92 1 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 0 11 11.0 0.85 0 7 Reagan Whatley 23 3 7 10.0 0.43 1 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 1 7 8.0 0.53 1 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 2 5 7.0 0.29 0 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 12 102 63.0 2.62 6 Opponents........... 24 5 85 47.5 1.98 6 ## KILL (by K) S K K/S ---------------------------------------- 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 86 3.58 12 Courtney Pope 24 49 2.04 4 Maddie Fate 24 48 2.00 7 Reagan Whatley 23 46 2.00 16 Taylor Starr 24 25 1.04 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 14 0.93 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 8 0.33 21 Marissa Drange 6 2 0.33 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 2 0.15 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 1 0.04 1 Jozie Dhayer 24 1 0.04 14 Lauren McCarthy 3 0 0.00 24 Grace King 18 0 0.00 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 282 11.75 Opponents........... 24 304 12.67 ## SERVE (by SA) S SA SE TA Pct SA/S -------------------------------------------------------- 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 14 11 101 .891 0.58 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 12 11 101 .891 0.50 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 8 2 91 .978 0.33 1 Jozie Dhayer 24 7 7 64 .891 0.29 11 Brynn Bishop 4 6 1 12 .917 1.50 7 Reagan Whatley 23 6 5 73 .932 0.26 16 Taylor Starr 24 5 12 63 .810 0.21 14 Lauren McCarthy 3 1 2 4 .500 0.33 2 Cassidy MacLean 5 0 0 6 1.000 0.00 24 Grace King 18 0 1 1 .000 0.00 21 Marissa Drange 6 0 1 2 .500 0.00 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 0 0 1 1.000 0.00 12 Courtney Pope 24 0 0 1 1.000 0.00 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 59 53 520 .898 2.46 Opponents........... 24 55 36 524 .931 2.29 ## DEFENSE (by Dig) S DIG Dig/S BHE -------------------------------------------- 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 107 4.46 0 7 Reagan Whatley 23 62 2.70 0 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 40 1.67 0 1 Jozie Dhayer 24 36 1.50 1 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 25 1.04 0 24 Grace King 18 10 0.56 0 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 7 0.47 0 11 Brynn Bishop 4 7 1.75 0 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 7 0.54 0 16 Taylor Starr 24 6 0.25 0 12 Courtney Pope 24 5 0.21 0 21 Marissa Drange 6 4 0.67 0 4 Maddie Fate 24 1 0.04 0 14 Lauren McCarthy 3 1 0.33 0 2 Cassidy MacLean 5 1 0.20 0 5 Annabelle Lanik 6 1 0.17 0 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 320 13.33 1 Opponents........... 24 360 15.00 1 ## RECEPT (by TA) S RE RE/S TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 3 Jenna Rodriguez 24 18 0.75 177 .898 7 Reagan Whatley 23 8 0.35 134 .940 24 Grace King 18 11 0.61 62 .823 17 Mackenzie Logan 24 3 0.12 29 .897 11 Brynn Bishop 4 1 0.25 29 .966 21 Marissa Drange 6 4 0.67 21 .810 19 Kathryn Detweiler 13 3 0.23 21 .857 TM TEAM 24 5 0.21 5 .000 2 Cassidy MacLean 5 2 0.40 3 .333 5 Annabelle Lanik 6 0 0.00 2 1.000 4 Maddie Fate 24 0 0.00 2 1.000 15 Connelle McWilliams 15 0 0.00 2 1.000 8 Kendall DeRivel 24 0 0.00 1 1.000 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 55 2.29 488 .887 Opponents........... 24 59 2.46 467 .874

Overall/Conference Stats

2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Overall/Conference Stats (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall record: 3-3 Conf: 0-0 Home: 3-0 Away: 0-1 Neutral: 0-2 OVERALL CONFERENCE |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| ## Name G K K/S E TA Pct A A/S G K K/S E TA Pct A A/S ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 17 Mackenzie Logan..... 24 86 3.58 37 218 .225 0 0.00 - 12 Courtney Pope....... 24 49 2.04 12 108 .343 0 0.00 - 4 Maddie Fate......... 24 48 2.00 8 99 .404 0 0.00 - 7 Reagan Whatley...... 23 46 2.00 14 155 .206 2 0.09 - 16 Taylor Starr........ 24 25 1.04 10 63 .238 2 0.08 - 15 Connelle McWilliams. 15 14 0.93 8 59 .102 0 0.00 - 8 Kendall DeRivel..... 24 8 0.33 0 13 .615 121 5.04 - 19 Kathryn Detweiler... 13 2 0.15 5 21 -.143 0 0.00 - 21 Marissa Drange...... 6 2 0.33 1 6 .167 0 0.00 - 3 Jenna Rodriguez..... 24 1 0.04 0 17 .059 22 0.92 - 1 Jozie Dhayer........ 24 1 0.04 4 13 -.231 117 4.88 - 14 Lauren McCarthy..... 3 0 0.00 1 3 -.333 0 0.00 - 2 Cassidy MacLean..... 5 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 - 24 Grace King.......... 18 0 0.00 4 15 -.267 2 0.11 - 5 Annabelle Lanik..... 6 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 - 11 Brynn Bishop........ 4 0 0.00 0 0 .000 2 0.50 - TRINITY (TEX.)...... 24 282 11.75 104 790 .225 268 11.17 0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 Opponents........... 24 304 12.67 136 823 .204 287 11.96 0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| Name SA SA/S SE RE DIG Dig/S BS BA Total B/S SA SA/S SE RE DIG Dig/S BS BA Total B/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Mackenzie Logan..... 14 0.58 11 3 25 1.04 2 5 7 0.29 - Courtney Pope....... 0 0.00 0 0 5 0.21 0 22 22 0.92 - Maddie Fate......... 0 0.00 0 0 1 0.04 5 22 27 1.12 - Reagan Whatley...... 6 0.26 5 8 62 2.70 3 7 10 0.43 - Taylor Starr........ 5 0.21 12 0 6 0.25 1 28 29 1.21 - Connelle McWilliams. 0 0.00 0 0 7 0.47 1 7 8 0.53 - Kendall DeRivel..... 12 0.50 11 0 40 1.67 0 0 0 0.00 - Kathryn Detweiler... 0 0.00 0 3 7 0.54 0 11 11 0.85 - Marissa Drange...... 0 0.00 1 4 4 0.67 0 0 0 0.00 - Jenna Rodriguez..... 8 0.33 2 18 107 4.46 0 0 0 0.00 - Jozie Dhayer........ 7 0.29 7 0 36 1.50 0 0 0 0.00 - Lauren McCarthy..... 1 0.33 2 0 1 0.33 0 0 0 0.00 - Cassidy MacLean..... 0 0.00 0 2 1 0.20 0 0 0 0.00 - Grace King.......... 0 0.00 1 11 10 0.56 0 0 0 0.00 - Annabelle Lanik..... 0 0.00 0 0 1 0.17 0 0 0 0.00 - Brynn Bishop........ 6 1.50 1 1 7 1.75 0 0 0 0.00 - TEAM................ 5 0 TRINITY (TEX.)...... 59 2.46 53 55 320 13.33 12 102 63.0 2.62 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00 Opponents........... 55 2.29 36 59 360 15.00 5 85 47.5 1.98 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00

Team Match-by-Match

2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Team Match-by-Match (September 7, 2024) All matches |-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN Date Opponent SP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE 08/30/24 CORTLAND............... 3 44 7 93 .398 41 91 .451 9 5 74 .932 7 57 .877 41 0 22 3 11.0 1 08/31/24 EAST TEX. BAPTIST...... 5 64 15 164 .299 64 161 .398 6 12 113 .894 10 88 .886 72 1 34 1 18.0 0 08/31/24 SAINT BENEDICT......... 4 44 22 148 .149 43 148 .291 13 6 99 .939 7 75 .907 76 5 18 0 14.0 0 09/06/24 vs Johns Hopkins....... 4 48 25 132 .174 43 131 .328 6 11 78 .859 8 91 .912 40 2 12 1 8.0 0 09/06/24 vs Claremont-M-S....... 4 37 16 130 .162 35 132 .265 7 8 71 .887 13 90 .856 48 2 10 0 7.0 0 09/07/24 at WashU............... 4 45 19 123 .211 42 127 .331 18 11 85 .871 10 87 .885 43 2 6 1 5.0 0 Trinity (Tex.)...................... 24 282 104 790 .225 268 790 .339 59 53 520 .898 55 488 .887 320 12 102 6 63.0 1 Opponent............................ 24 304 136 823 .204 287 812 .353 55 36 524 .931 59 467 .874 360 5 85 6 47.5 1 TEAM PER-GAME: Sets played: 24 Kills per set: 11.75 Assists per set: 11.17 Service aces per set: 2.46 Reception errors per set: 2.29 Digs per set: 13.33 Blocks per set: 2.62 Ball handling errors per set: 0.04 Reception errors per set: 2.29 Overall record: 3-3 Conf: 0-0 Home: 3-0 Away: 0-1 Neutral: 0-2

Match Highs

2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches INDIVIDUAL MATCH HIGHS ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills .455 (17- 2-33) Mackenzie Logan vs Cortland (08/30/24) .429 (13- 1-28) Maddie Fate vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) .429 (14- 2-28) Courtney Pope vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) .333 (23- 8-45) Mackenzie Logan vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) .140 (14- 8-43) Mackenzie Logan vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) .129 (12- 8-31) Mackenzie Logan vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) KILLS (K-E-TA) 23 (23- 8-45) 5s Mackenzie Logan vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 17 (17- 2-33) 3s Mackenzie Logan vs Cortland (08/30/24) 14 (14- 2-28) 5s Courtney Pope vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 14 (14- 8-43) 4s Mackenzie Logan vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 13 (13- 1-28) 5s Maddie Fate vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 12 (12- 8-31) 4s Mackenzie Logan vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 11 (11- 5-35) 4s Reagan Whatley vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 10 (10- 4-23) 4s Courtney Pope vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 10 (10- 6-33) 4s Mackenzie Logan vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 10 (10- 0-14) 4s Maddie Fate at WashU (09/07/24) KILLS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 17 (17- 2-33) Mackenzie Logan vs Cortland (08/30/24) 8 ( 8- 0-16) Reagan Whatley vs Cortland (08/30/24) 7 ( 7- 2-15) Maddie Fate vs Cortland (08/30/24) 7 ( 7- 0-10) Courtney Pope vs Cortland (08/30/24) 3 ( 3- 1- 8) Taylor Starr vs Cortland (08/30/24) KILLS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 14 (14- 8-43) Mackenzie Logan vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 12 (12- 8-31) Mackenzie Logan vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 11 (11- 5-35) Reagan Whatley vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 10 (10- 6-33) Mackenzie Logan vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 10 (10- 4-23) Courtney Pope vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) KILLS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 23 (23- 8-45) Mackenzie Logan vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 14 (14- 2-28) Courtney Pope vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 13 (13- 1-28) Maddie Fate vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 7 ( 7- 2-31) Reagan Whatley vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 5 ( 5- 0-11) Taylor Starr vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 45 (23- 8-45) 5s Mackenzie Logan vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 43 (14- 8-43) 4s Mackenzie Logan vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 35 (11- 5-35) 4s Reagan Whatley vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 33 (17- 2-33) 3s Mackenzie Logan vs Cortland (08/30/24) 33 (10- 6-33) 4s Mackenzie Logan vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 33 (10- 5-33) 4s Mackenzie Logan at WashU (09/07/24) 31 (12- 8-31) 4s Mackenzie Logan vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 31 ( 7- 2-31) 5s Reagan Whatley vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 (14- 2-28) 5s Courtney Pope vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 ( 9- 4-28) 4s Reagan Whatley at WashU (09/07/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 33 (17- 2-33) Mackenzie Logan vs Cortland (08/30/24) 16 ( 8- 0-16) Reagan Whatley vs Cortland (08/30/24) 15 ( 7- 2-15) Maddie Fate vs Cortland (08/30/24) 10 ( 7- 0-10) Courtney Pope vs Cortland (08/30/24) 8 ( 3- 1- 8) Taylor Starr vs Cortland (08/30/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 43 (14- 8-43) Mackenzie Logan vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 35 (11- 5-35) Reagan Whatley vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 33 (10- 6-33) Mackenzie Logan vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 33 (10- 5-33) Mackenzie Logan at WashU (09/07/24) 31 (12- 8-31) Mackenzie Logan vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 45 (23- 8-45) Mackenzie Logan vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 31 ( 7- 2-31) Reagan Whatley vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 (14- 2-28) Courtney Pope vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 (13- 1-28) Maddie Fate vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 11 ( 5- 0-11) Taylor Starr vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24)
2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches ASSISTS 31 (5s) Jozie Dhayer vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 (5s) Kendall DeRivel vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 21 (4s) Kendall DeRivel at WashU (09/07/24) 20 (4s) Jozie Dhayer vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 19 (3s) Kendall DeRivel vs Cortland (08/30/24) ASSISTS 3-SETS 19 Kendall DeRivel vs Cortland (08/30/24) 17 Jozie Dhayer vs Cortland (08/30/24) 4 Jenna Rodriguez vs Cortland (08/30/24) 1 Reagan Whatley vs Cortland (08/30/24) ASSISTS 4-SETS 21 Kendall DeRivel at WashU (09/07/24) 20 Jozie Dhayer vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 18 Kendall DeRivel vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 18 Kendall DeRivel vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 17 Kendall DeRivel vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) ASSISTS 5-SETS 31 Jozie Dhayer vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 Kendall DeRivel vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 4 Jenna Rodriguez vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 1 Grace King vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) DIGS 25 (4s) Jenna Rodriguez vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 22 (3s) Jenna Rodriguez vs Cortland (08/30/24) 21 (5s) Reagan Whatley vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 20 (5s) Jenna Rodriguez vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 20 (4s) Jenna Rodriguez vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) DIGS 3-SETS 22 Jenna Rodriguez vs Cortland (08/30/24) 6 Jozie Dhayer vs Cortland (08/30/24) 4 Reagan Whatley vs Cortland (08/30/24) 3 Kendall DeRivel vs Cortland (08/30/24) 2 Mackenzie Logan vs Cortland (08/30/24) DIGS 4-SETS 25 Jenna Rodriguez vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 20 Jenna Rodriguez vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 15 Reagan Whatley vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 11 Kendall DeRivel vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 10 Reagan Whatley at WashU (09/07/24) DIGS 5-SETS 21 Reagan Whatley vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 20 Jenna Rodriguez vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 10 Jozie Dhayer vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 6 Grace King vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 6 Mackenzie Logan vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) ACES 6 Brynn Bishop at WashU (09/07/24) 5 Kendall DeRivel at WashU (09/07/24) 4 Jenna Rodriguez vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 3 Taylor Starr vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 3 Mackenzie Logan vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) BLOCKS (BS-BA) 11 ( 0-11) Taylor Starr vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 8 ( 2- 6) Maddie Fate vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 8 ( 0- 8) Taylor Starr vs Cortland (08/30/24) 7 ( 0- 7) Kathryn Detweiler vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 7 ( 0- 7) Courtney Pope vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 6 ( 0- 6) Maddie Fate vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 6 ( 0- 6) Courtney Pope vs Cortland (08/30/24) 6 ( 0- 6) Courtney Pope vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 4 ( 1- 3) Maddie Fate vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 4 ( 1- 3) Taylor Starr vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24)
2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches TEAM MATCH HIGHS ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) .398 (44- 7- 93) vs Cortland (08/30/24) .299 (64-15-164) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) .211 (45-19-123) at WashU (09/07/24) .174 (48-25-132) vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) .162 (37-16-130) vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) .149 (44-22-148) vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) KILLS (K-E-TA) 64 (64-15-164) 5s vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 48 (48-25-132) 4s vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 45 (45-19-123) 4s at WashU (09/07/24) 44 (44-22-148) 4s vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 44 (44- 7- 93) 3s vs Cortland (08/30/24) 37 (37-16-130) 4s vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) KILLS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 44 (44- 7- 93) vs Cortland (08/30/24) KILLS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 48 (48-25-132) vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 45 (45-19-123) at WashU (09/07/24) 44 (44-22-148) vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 37 (37-16-130) vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) KILLS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 64 (64-15-164) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 164 (64-15-164) 5s vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 148 (44-22-148) 4s vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 132 (48-25-132) 4s vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 130 (37-16-130) 4s vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 123 (45-19-123) 4s at WashU (09/07/24) 93 (44- 7- 93) 3s vs Cortland (08/30/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 93 (44- 7- 93) vs Cortland (08/30/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 148 (44-22-148) vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 132 (48-25-132) vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 130 (37-16-130) vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 123 (45-19-123) at WashU (09/07/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 164 (64-15-164) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24)
2024 SCAC Volleyball Trinity (Tex.) Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches ASSISTS 64 (5s) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 43 (4s) vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 43 (4s) vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 42 (4s) at WashU (09/07/24) 41 (3s) vs Cortland (08/30/24) ASSISTS 3-SETS 41 vs Cortland (08/30/24) ASSISTS 4-SETS 43 vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 43 vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 42 at WashU (09/07/24) 35 vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) ASSISTS 5-SETS 64 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) DIGS 76 (4s) vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 72 (5s) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 48 (4s) vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 43 (4s) at WashU (09/07/24) 41 (3s) vs Cortland (08/30/24) DIGS 3-SETS 41 vs Cortland (08/30/24) DIGS 4-SETS 76 vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 48 vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 43 at WashU (09/07/24) 40 vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) DIGS 5-SETS 72 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) ACES 18 at WashU (09/07/24) 13 vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 9 vs Cortland (08/30/24) 7 vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 6 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) BLOCKS 18.0 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 14.0 vs Saint Benedict (08/31/24) 11.0 vs Cortland (08/30/24) 8.0 vs Johns Hopkins (09/06/24) 7.0 vs Claremont-M-S (09/06/24) 5.0 at WashU (09/07/24)