2024 SCAC Volleyball

Texas Lutheran

Match Results

2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Match Results (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall Conference Date Opponent Score Match results Record Record Time Attend ---- -------- ----- ------------- -------- -------- ---- ------ 08/30/24 vs Cortland 0-3 L 21-25,28-30,23-25 0-1 0-0 0:4 08/30/24 vs Saint Benedict W 3-2 18-25,25-15,23-25,25-17,15-10 1-1 0-0 2:6 71 08/31/24 vs East Tex. Baptist 1-3 L 21-25,23-25,25-18,22-25 1-2 0-0 1:48 112 09/06/24 vs IIT W 3-0 25-11,25-18,25-21 2-2 0-0 1:12 77 09/07/24 vs Texas-Dallas W 3-1 25-15,21-25,25-13,25-14 3-2 0-0 1:33 67 09/07/24 vs Pacific Lutheran W 3-2 16-25,25-17,25-8,23-25,15-9 4-2 0-0 1:57 64 TEAM RECORD W-L ---------- --- Overall: 4-2 Conference: 0-0 Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0 Neutral: 4-2 3 sets : 1-1 4 sets : 1-1 5 sets : 2-0 ATTEND Dates Total Average ------ ----- ------- ------- Total: 6 391 65 Home: 0 0 0 Away: 0 0 0 Neutral: 6 391 65

Overall Team Statistics

2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Overall Team Statistics (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall record: 4-2 Conf: 0-0 Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0 Neutral: 4-2 TEAM STATISTICS TLU OPP -------------------------------------------------------- ATTACK........................ Kills....................... 289 261 Errors...................... 100 158 Total Attacks............... 888 930 Attack Pct.................. .213 .111 Kills/Set................... 12.0 10.9 SET........................... Assists..................... 254 251 Attempts.................... 883 962 Assist Pct.................. .288 .261 Assists/Set................. 10.6 10.5 SERVE......................... Aces........................ 45 50 Errors...................... 42 33 Attempts.................... 544 466 Serve Pct................... .923 .929 Aces/Set.................... 1.9 2.1 SERVE RECEPTIONS.............. Errors...................... 50 45 Errors/Set.................. 2.1 1.9 Attempts.................... 433 502 Reception Pct............... .885 .910 DEFENSE....................... Digs........................ 445 438 Digs/Set.................... 18.5 18.2 BLOCKING...................... Block Solo.................. 9 12 Block Assist................ 62 52 Total Blocks................ 40.0 38.0 Blocks/Set.................. 1.7 1.6 Block Errors................ 12 2 Ball handling errors.......... 1 4 ATTENDANCE.................... Total....................... 0 0 Dates/Avg Per Date.......... 0/0 0/0 Neutral site #/Avg.......... 6/65 Current win streak.......... 3 - Home win streak............. 0 - MATCH WINS BY #SETS 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Texas Lutheran...... 0 0 1 1 2 - 4 Opponents........... 0 0 1 1 0 - 2 SETS WON BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Texas Lutheran...... 2 3 4 2 2 - 13 Opponents........... 4 3 2 2 0 - 11 POINTS BY SET 1 2 3 4 5 Total ----------------------------------------------------- Texas Lutheran...... 126 147 146 95 30 - 544 Opponents........... 126 130 110 81 19 - 466

Overall Individual Statistics

2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Overall Individual Statistics (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall record: 4-2 Conf: 0-0 Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0 Neutral: 4-2 |-----------ATTACK---------| |---------SET---------| |----------SERVE-----------| ## Name SP-MP-MS K K/Set E TA Pct A A/Set TA Pct SA SA/S SE TA Pct ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Brylie Nedd 24 6-0 77 3.21 29 280 .171 2 0.08 22 .091 12 0.50 5 74 .932 14 Ryann Ely 24 6-0 43 1.79 23 170 .118 1 0.04 14 .071 0 0.00 1 1 .000 12 Victoria Powell 20 6-0 41 2.05 9 73 .438 2 0.10 8 .250 5 0.25 5 73 .932 2 Nadia Dunn 14 4-0 31 2.21 13 102 .176 0 0.00 2 .000 0 0.00 5 7 .286 25 Zaria Solis 23 6-0 31 1.35 11 85 .235 1 0.04 6 .167 0 0.00 0 0 .000 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 6-0 28 1.27 8 61 .328 0 0.00 4 .000 0 0.00 0 1 1.000 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 6-0 13 0.54 1 31 .387 111 4.62 369 .301 6 0.25 6 79 .924 17 B Salvatierra-Moore 8 3-0 11 1.38 1 21 .476 0 0.00 0 .000 1 0.12 0 21 1.000 3 Regan Schmidt 11 4-0 10 0.91 4 44 .136 0 0.00 6 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000 22 Richelle Guerra 18 6-0 1 0.06 0 2 .500 6 0.33 26 .231 5 0.28 5 74 .932 11 Julia Chew 24 6-0 1 0.04 0 9 .111 108 4.50 313 .345 5 0.21 6 97 .938 6 Faith Coldewey 24 6-0 1 0.04 1 9 .000 22 0.92 105 .210 9 0.38 6 79 .924 1 Ridley Kelly 12 6-0 1 0.08 0 1 1.000 1 0.08 8 .125 2 0.17 3 38 .921 15 Christa Moreno 1 0-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000 24 Kara Clark 1 1-0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 .000 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 6-6 289 12.04 100 888 .213 254 10.58 883 .288 45 1.88 42 544 .923 Opponents........... 24 6-6 261 10.88 158 930 .111 251 10.46 962 .261 50 2.08 33 466 .929 |----RECEPT----| |---DIG---| |--------BLOCKING---------| ## Name S RE TA Pct DIG Dig/S BS BA Total Blk/S BE BHE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 23 Brylie Nedd 24 13 107 .879 60 2.50 1 4 5 0.21 2 0 14 Ryann Ely 24 2 16 .875 16 0.67 0 6 6 0.25 1 0 12 Victoria Powell 20 0 2 1.000 8 0.40 0 11 11 0.55 2 0 2 Nadia Dunn 14 5 40 .875 10 0.71 1 0 1 0.07 1 0 25 Zaria Solis 23 2 4 .500 6 0.26 2 21 23 1.00 1 0 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 0 1 1.000 7 0.32 1 16 17 0.77 2 1 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 0 3 1.000 84 3.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 17 B Salvatierra-Moore 8 0 0 .000 4 0.50 2 4 6 0.75 0 0 3 Regan Schmidt 11 0 0 .000 8 0.73 1 0 1 0.09 1 0 22 Richelle Guerra 18 4 69 .942 45 2.50 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 11 Julia Chew 24 0 0 .000 48 2.00 1 0 1 0.04 0 0 6 Faith Coldewey 24 14 141 .901 126 5.25 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 1 Ridley Kelly 12 5 45 .889 23 1.92 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 24 Kara Clark 1 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 2 0 15 Christa Moreno 1 0 0 .000 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 TEAM 5 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 50 433 .885 445 18.54 9 62 40.0 1.67 12 1 Opponents........... 24 45 502 .910 438 18.25 12 52 38.0 1.58 2 4

Category Leaders

2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Category Leaders (September 7, 2024) All matches ## ATTACK (by K) S K K/S E TA Pct -------------------------------------------------------- 23 Brylie Nedd 24 77 3.21 29 280 .171 14 Ryann Ely 24 43 1.79 23 170 .118 12 Victoria Powell 20 41 2.05 9 73 .438 2 Nadia Dunn 14 31 2.21 13 102 .176 25 Zaria Solis 23 31 1.35 11 85 .235 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 28 1.27 8 61 .328 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 13 0.54 1 31 .387 17 B Salvatierra-Moore 8 11 1.38 1 21 .476 3 Regan Schmidt 11 10 0.91 4 44 .136 22 Richelle Guerra 18 1 0.06 0 2 .500 11 Julia Chew 24 1 0.04 0 9 .111 6 Faith Coldewey 24 1 0.04 1 9 .000 1 Ridley Kelly 12 1 0.08 0 1 1.000 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 289 12.04 100 888 .213 Opponents........... 24 261 10.88 158 930 .111 ## SET (by A) S A A/S TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 111 4.62 369 .301 11 Julia Chew 24 108 4.50 313 .345 6 Faith Coldewey 24 22 0.92 105 .210 22 Richelle Guerra 18 6 0.33 26 .231 12 Victoria Powell 20 2 0.10 8 .250 23 Brylie Nedd 24 2 0.08 22 .091 14 Ryann Ely 24 1 0.04 14 .071 25 Zaria Solis 23 1 0.04 6 .167 1 Ridley Kelly 12 1 0.08 8 .125 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 0 0.00 4 .000 2 Nadia Dunn 14 0 0.00 2 .000 3 Regan Schmidt 11 0 0.00 6 .000 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 254 10.58 883 .288 Opponents........... 24 251 10.46 962 .261 ## BLOCK (by Total) S BS BA Total Blk/S BE ------------------------------------------------------- 25 Zaria Solis 23 2 21 23.0 1.00 1 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 1 16 17.0 0.77 2 12 Victoria Powell 20 0 11 11.0 0.55 2 17 B Salvatierra-Moore 8 2 4 6.0 0.75 0 14 Ryann Ely 24 0 6 6.0 0.25 1 23 Brylie Nedd 24 1 4 5.0 0.21 2 2 Nadia Dunn 14 1 0 1.0 0.07 1 11 Julia Chew 24 1 0 1.0 0.04 0 3 Regan Schmidt 11 1 0 1.0 0.09 1 24 Kara Clark 1 0 0 0.0 0.00 2 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 9 62 40.0 1.67 12 Opponents........... 24 12 52 38.0 1.58 2 ## KILL (by K) S K K/S ---------------------------------------- 23 Brylie Nedd 24 77 3.21 14 Ryann Ely 24 43 1.79 12 Victoria Powell 20 41 2.05 25 Zaria Solis 23 31 1.35 2 Nadia Dunn 14 31 2.21 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 28 1.27 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 13 0.54 17 B Salvatierra-Moore 8 11 1.38 3 Regan Schmidt 11 10 0.91 6 Faith Coldewey 24 1 0.04 22 Richelle Guerra 18 1 0.06 1 Ridley Kelly 12 1 0.08 11 Julia Chew 24 1 0.04 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 289 12.04 Opponents........... 24 261 10.88 ## SERVE (by SA) S SA SE TA Pct SA/S -------------------------------------------------------- 23 Brylie Nedd 24 12 5 74 .932 0.50 6 Faith Coldewey 24 9 6 79 .924 0.38 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 6 6 79 .924 0.25 22 Richelle Guerra 18 5 5 74 .932 0.28 12 Victoria Powell 20 5 5 73 .932 0.25 11 Julia Chew 24 5 6 97 .938 0.21 1 Ridley Kelly 12 2 3 38 .921 0.17 17 B Salvatierra-Moore 8 1 0 21 1.000 0.12 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 0 0 1 1.000 0.00 2 Nadia Dunn 14 0 5 7 .286 0.00 14 Ryann Ely 24 0 1 1 .000 0.00 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 45 42 544 .923 1.88 Opponents........... 24 50 33 466 .929 2.08 ## DEFENSE (by Dig) S DIG Dig/S BHE -------------------------------------------- 6 Faith Coldewey 24 126 5.25 0 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 84 3.50 0 23 Brylie Nedd 24 60 2.50 0 11 Julia Chew 24 48 2.00 0 22 Richelle Guerra 18 45 2.50 0 1 Ridley Kelly 12 23 1.92 0 14 Ryann Ely 24 16 0.67 0 2 Nadia Dunn 14 10 0.71 0 12 Victoria Powell 20 8 0.40 0 3 Regan Schmidt 11 8 0.73 0 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 7 0.32 1 25 Zaria Solis 23 6 0.26 0 17 B Salvatierra-Moore 8 4 0.50 0 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 445 18.54 1 Opponents........... 24 438 18.25 4 ## RECEPT (by TA) S RE RE/S TA Pct --------------------------------------------------- 6 Faith Coldewey 24 14 0.58 141 .901 23 Brylie Nedd 24 13 0.54 107 .879 22 Richelle Guerra 18 4 0.22 69 .942 1 Ridley Kelly 12 5 0.42 45 .889 2 Nadia Dunn 14 5 0.36 40 .875 14 Ryann Ely 24 2 0.08 16 .875 TM TEAM 24 5 0.21 5 .000 25 Zaria Solis 23 2 0.09 4 .500 9 Shavonne Respondek 24 0 0.00 3 1.000 12 Victoria Powell 20 0 0.00 2 1.000 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli 22 0 0.00 1 1.000 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 50 2.08 433 .885 Opponents........... 24 45 1.88 502 .910

Overall/Conference Stats

2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Overall/Conference Stats (September 7, 2024) All matches Overall record: 4-2 Conf: 0-0 Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0 Neutral: 4-2 OVERALL CONFERENCE |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| |--------ATTACK-----------| |--SET---| ## Name G K K/S E TA Pct A A/S G K K/S E TA Pct A A/S ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------ 23 Brylie Nedd......... 24 77 3.21 29 280 .171 2 0.08 - 14 Ryann Ely........... 24 43 1.79 23 170 .118 1 0.04 - 12 Victoria Powell..... 20 41 2.05 9 73 .438 2 0.10 - 2 Nadia Dunn.......... 14 31 2.21 13 102 .176 0 0.00 - 25 Zaria Solis......... 23 31 1.35 11 85 .235 1 0.04 - 7 Andie Lozano-Lomeli. 22 28 1.27 8 61 .328 0 0.00 - 9 Shavonne Respondek.. 24 13 0.54 1 31 .387 111 4.62 - 17 B Salvatierra-Moore. 8 11 1.38 1 21 .476 0 0.00 - 3 Regan Schmidt....... 11 10 0.91 4 44 .136 0 0.00 - 22 Richelle Guerra..... 18 1 0.06 0 2 .500 6 0.33 - 11 Julia Chew.......... 24 1 0.04 0 9 .111 108 4.50 - 6 Faith Coldewey...... 24 1 0.04 1 9 .000 22 0.92 - 1 Ridley Kelly........ 12 1 0.08 0 1 1.000 1 0.08 - 15 Christa Moreno...... 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 - 24 Kara Clark.......... 1 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 - TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 24 289 12.04 100 888 .213 254 10.58 0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 Opponents........... 24 261 10.88 158 930 .111 251 10.46 0 0 0.00 0 0 .000 0 0.00 |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| |---SERVE---| |---DIG---| |-----BLOCKING-----| Name SA SA/S SE RE DIG Dig/S BS BA Total B/S SA SA/S SE RE DIG Dig/S BS BA Total B/S ------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------- Brylie Nedd......... 12 0.50 5 13 60 2.50 1 4 5 0.21 - Ryann Ely........... 0 0.00 1 2 16 0.67 0 6 6 0.25 - Victoria Powell..... 5 0.25 5 0 8 0.40 0 11 11 0.55 - Nadia Dunn.......... 0 0.00 5 5 10 0.71 1 0 1 0.07 - Zaria Solis......... 0 0.00 0 2 6 0.26 2 21 23 1.00 - Andie Lozano-Lomeli. 0 0.00 0 0 7 0.32 1 16 17 0.77 - Shavonne Respondek.. 6 0.25 6 0 84 3.50 0 0 0 0.00 - B Salvatierra-Moore. 1 0.12 0 0 4 0.50 2 4 6 0.75 - Regan Schmidt....... 0 0.00 0 0 8 0.73 1 0 1 0.09 - Richelle Guerra..... 5 0.28 5 4 45 2.50 0 0 0 0.00 - Julia Chew.......... 5 0.21 6 0 48 2.00 1 0 1 0.04 - Faith Coldewey...... 9 0.38 6 14 126 5.25 0 0 0 0.00 - Ridley Kelly........ 2 0.17 3 5 23 1.92 0 0 0 0.00 - Christa Moreno...... 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 - Kara Clark.......... 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 - TEAM................ 5 0 TEXAS LUTHERAN...... 45 1.88 42 50 445 18.54 9 62 40.0 1.67 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00 Opponents........... 50 2.08 33 45 438 18.25 12 52 38.0 1.58 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.0 0.00

Team Match-by-Match

2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Team Match-by-Match (September 7, 2024) All matches |-------ATTACK------| |-----SET-----| |-------SERVE------| |----RECEPT---| DEF |-------BLOCK------| GEN Date Opponent SP K E TA Pct A TA Pct SA SE TA Pct RE TA Pct DIG BS BA BE Total BHE 08/30/24 vs Cortland............ 3 37 16 144 .146 33 139 .237 3 8 73 .890 9 74 .878 74 0 10 3 5.0 1 08/30/24 vs Saint Benedict...... 5 59 20 167 .234 55 168 .327 7 6 106 .943 12 85 .859 73 1 16 1 9.0 0 08/31/24 vs East Tex. Baptist... 4 52 25 162 .167 48 158 .304 5 4 92 .957 6 88 .932 76 1 12 3 7.0 0 09/06/24 vs IIT................. 3 39 10 94 .309 32 95 .337 10 7 74 .905 7 47 .851 45 0 8 0 4.0 0 09/07/24 vs Texas-Dallas........ 4 52 8 132 .333 44 135 .326 13 8 95 .916 7 62 .887 69 0 14 0 7.0 0 09/07/24 vs Pacific Lutheran.... 5 50 21 189 .153 42 188 .223 7 9 104 .913 9 77 .883 108 7 2 5 8.0 0 Texas Lutheran...................... 24 289 100 888 .213 254 883 .288 45 42 544 .923 50 433 .885 445 9 62 12 40.0 1 Opponent............................ 24 261 158 930 .111 251 962 .261 50 33 466 .929 45 502 .910 438 12 52 2 38.0 4 TEAM PER-GAME: Sets played: 24 Kills per set: 12.04 Assists per set: 10.58 Service aces per set: 1.88 Reception errors per set: 2.08 Digs per set: 18.54 Blocks per set: 1.67 Ball handling errors per set: 0.04 Reception errors per set: 2.08 Overall record: 4-2 Conf: 0-0 Home: 0-0 Away: 0-0 Neutral: 4-2

Match Highs

2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches INDIVIDUAL MATCH HIGHS ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) minimum 12 kills .282 (14- 3-39) Brylie Nedd vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) .235 (13- 5-34) Nadia Dunn vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) .151 (14- 6-53) Brylie Nedd vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) .143 (19-10-63) Brylie Nedd vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) .123 (15- 7-65) Brylie Nedd vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) KILLS (K-E-TA) 19 (19-10-63) 4s Brylie Nedd vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 15 (15- 7-65) 5s Brylie Nedd vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 14 (14- 6-53) 5s Brylie Nedd vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 14 (14- 3-39) 4s Brylie Nedd vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 13 (13- 5-34) 5s Nadia Dunn vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 10 (10- 2-32) 4s Ryann Ely vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 10 (10- 2-20) 3s Ryann Ely vs IIT (09/06/24) 9 ( 9- 1-13) 4s Victoria Powell vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 9 ( 9- 2-17) 3s Victoria Powell vs Cortland (08/30/24) 9 ( 9- 3-28) 4s Nadia Dunn vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) KILLS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 10 (10- 2-20) Ryann Ely vs IIT (09/06/24) 9 ( 9- 2-17) Victoria Powell vs Cortland (08/30/24) 8 ( 8- 2-24) Brylie Nedd vs IIT (09/06/24) 7 ( 7- 3-28) Nadia Dunn vs Cortland (08/30/24) 7 ( 7- 1-36) Brylie Nedd vs Cortland (08/30/24) KILLS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 19 (19-10-63) Brylie Nedd vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 14 (14- 3-39) Brylie Nedd vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 10 (10- 2-32) Ryann Ely vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 9 ( 9- 3-28) Nadia Dunn vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 9 ( 9- 1-13) Victoria Powell vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) KILLS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 15 (15- 7-65) Brylie Nedd vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 14 (14- 6-53) Brylie Nedd vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 13 (13- 5-34) Nadia Dunn vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 8 ( 8- 1-18) Victoria Powell vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 8 ( 8- 1-14) B Salvatierra-Moore vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 65 (15- 7-65) 5s Brylie Nedd vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 63 (19-10-63) 4s Brylie Nedd vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 53 (14- 6-53) 5s Brylie Nedd vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 39 (14- 3-39) 4s Brylie Nedd vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 37 ( 6- 5-37) 5s Ryann Ely vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 36 ( 7- 1-36) 3s Brylie Nedd vs Cortland (08/30/24) 34 (13- 5-34) 5s Nadia Dunn vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 32 (10- 2-32) 4s Ryann Ely vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 29 ( 4- 8-29) 4s Ryann Ely vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 ( 9- 3-28) 4s Nadia Dunn vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 36 ( 7- 1-36) Brylie Nedd vs Cortland (08/30/24) 28 ( 7- 3-28) Nadia Dunn vs Cortland (08/30/24) 24 ( 8- 2-24) Brylie Nedd vs IIT (09/06/24) 24 ( 6- 2-24) Ryann Ely vs Cortland (08/30/24) 20 (10- 2-20) Ryann Ely vs IIT (09/06/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 63 (19-10-63) Brylie Nedd vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 39 (14- 3-39) Brylie Nedd vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 32 (10- 2-32) Ryann Ely vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 29 ( 4- 8-29) Ryann Ely vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 28 ( 9- 3-28) Nadia Dunn vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 65 (15- 7-65) Brylie Nedd vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 53 (14- 6-53) Brylie Nedd vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 37 ( 6- 5-37) Ryann Ely vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 34 (13- 5-34) Nadia Dunn vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 28 ( 7- 4-28) Ryann Ely vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24)
2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches ASSISTS 25 (5s) Julia Chew vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 22 (4s) Julia Chew vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 22 (5s) Shavonne Respondek vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 21 (4s) Shavonne Respondek vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 21 (5s) Shavonne Respondek vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) ASSISTS 3-SETS 16 Julia Chew vs IIT (09/06/24) 15 Shavonne Respondek vs IIT (09/06/24) 12 Julia Chew vs Cortland (08/30/24) 11 Shavonne Respondek vs Cortland (08/30/24) 7 Faith Coldewey vs Cortland (08/30/24) ASSISTS 4-SETS 22 Julia Chew vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 21 Shavonne Respondek vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 21 Shavonne Respondek vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 17 Julia Chew vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 4 Faith Coldewey vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) ASSISTS 5-SETS 25 Julia Chew vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 22 Shavonne Respondek vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 21 Shavonne Respondek vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 16 Julia Chew vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 4 Faith Coldewey vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) DIGS 27 (5s) Faith Coldewey vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 26 (4s) Faith Coldewey vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 22 (5s) Richelle Guerra vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 21 (5s) Faith Coldewey vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 20 (4s) Faith Coldewey vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) DIGS 3-SETS 19 Faith Coldewey vs Cortland (08/30/24) 19 Shavonne Respondek vs Cortland (08/30/24) 13 Faith Coldewey vs IIT (09/06/24) 12 Julia Chew vs Cortland (08/30/24) 8 Brylie Nedd vs Cortland (08/30/24) DIGS 4-SETS 26 Faith Coldewey vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 20 Faith Coldewey vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 16 Shavonne Respondek vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 13 Brylie Nedd vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 12 Shavonne Respondek vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) DIGS 5-SETS 27 Faith Coldewey vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 22 Richelle Guerra vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 21 Faith Coldewey vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 16 Brylie Nedd vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 16 Shavonne Respondek vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) ACES 8 Brylie Nedd vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 6 Faith Coldewey vs IIT (09/06/24) 3 Brylie Nedd vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 3 Shavonne Respondek vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 2 Richelle Guerra vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) BLOCKS (BS-BA) 6 ( 0- 6) Zaria Solis vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 6 ( 0- 6) Andie Lozano-Lomeli vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 5 ( 0- 5) Zaria Solis vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 4 ( 0- 4) Andie Lozano-Lomeli vs Cortland (08/30/24) 4 ( 0- 4) Victoria Powell vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 4 ( 0- 4) Zaria Solis vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 4 ( 0- 4) Zaria Solis vs Cortland (08/30/24) 3 ( 2- 1) Zaria Solis vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 3 ( 2- 1) B Salvatierra-Moore vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 3 ( 0- 3) Andie Lozano-Lomeli vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24)
2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches TEAM MATCH HIGHS ATTACK PERCENT (K-E-TA) .333 (52- 8-132) vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) .309 (39-10- 94) vs IIT (09/06/24) .234 (59-20-167) vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) .167 (52-25-162) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) .153 (50-21-189) vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) .146 (37-16-144) vs Cortland (08/30/24) KILLS (K-E-TA) 59 (59-20-167) 5s vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 52 (52-25-162) 4s vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 52 (52- 8-132) 4s vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 50 (50-21-189) 5s vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 39 (39-10- 94) 3s vs IIT (09/06/24) 37 (37-16-144) 3s vs Cortland (08/30/24) KILLS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 39 (39-10- 94) vs IIT (09/06/24) 37 (37-16-144) vs Cortland (08/30/24) KILLS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 52 (52-25-162) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 52 (52- 8-132) vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) KILLS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 59 (59-20-167) vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 50 (50-21-189) vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS (K-E-TA) 189 (50-21-189) 5s vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 167 (59-20-167) 5s vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 162 (52-25-162) 4s vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 144 (37-16-144) 3s vs Cortland (08/30/24) 132 (52- 8-132) 4s vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 94 (39-10- 94) 3s vs IIT (09/06/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 3-SETS (K-E-TA) 144 (37-16-144) vs Cortland (08/30/24) 94 (39-10- 94) vs IIT (09/06/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 4-SETS (K-E-TA) 162 (52-25-162) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 132 (52- 8-132) vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) TOTAL ATTEMPTS 5-SETS (K-E-TA) 189 (50-21-189) vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 167 (59-20-167) vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24)
2024 SCAC Volleyball Texas Lutheran Match Highs (September 7, 2024) All matches ASSISTS 55 (5s) vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 48 (4s) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 44 (4s) vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 42 (5s) vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 33 (3s) vs Cortland (08/30/24) ASSISTS 3-SETS 33 vs Cortland (08/30/24) 32 vs IIT (09/06/24) ASSISTS 4-SETS 48 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 44 vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) ASSISTS 5-SETS 55 vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 42 vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) DIGS 108 (5s) vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 76 (4s) vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 74 (3s) vs Cortland (08/30/24) 73 (5s) vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 69 (4s) vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) DIGS 3-SETS 74 vs Cortland (08/30/24) 45 vs IIT (09/06/24) DIGS 4-SETS 76 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 69 vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) DIGS 5-SETS 108 vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 73 vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) ACES 13 vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 10 vs IIT (09/06/24) 7 vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 7 vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 5 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) BLOCKS 9.0 vs Saint Benedict (08/30/24) 8.0 vs Pacific Lutheran (09/07/24) 7.0 vs East Tex. Baptist (08/31/24) 7.0 vs Texas-Dallas (09/07/24) 5.0 vs Cortland (08/30/24) 4.0 vs IIT (09/06/24)