Jenna King, Sewanee - The University of the South, Women's Golf

JENNA KING OF SEWANEE - THE UNIVERSITY OF THE SOUTH, a freshman from San Diego, Calif., has been named SCAC Women's Golfer-of-the-Week for tournaments played through Tuesday, March 20.

King took home three medalist honors over this past week as Sewanee competed in two dual matches and one tri-match at the Barefoot Resort Golf and Country Club in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.

On March 15th against Denison King fired a 12-over par 84 on the Love course to earn medalist honors.

On March 16th against Vasser King fired a nine over par 81 on the Norman course to earn medalist honors. To close the week King earned her third medalist honor by firing a 10-over 82, once again on the Norman course in the Purple Tigers Tri-Match against William Smith College and Mount Holyoke College.

SCAC Women's Golfer-of-the-Week
Week 1 Kelsey Coburn, Southwestern University
Ellen Chun, Birmingham-Southern College
Week 2 Chelsea Gatterdam, Oglethorpe Univeristy
Week 3  N/A
Week 4 Jenna King, Sewanee-The University of the South
Week 5  
Week 6   
Week 7   
Week 8   
Week 9   
Week 10