Ashley Heline, Trinity University, Women's Diving

Ashley Heline, Trinity University, Women's Diving

ASHLEY HELINE OF TRINITY UNIVERSITY, a sophomore from Highlands Ranch, Colo., has been selected the SCAC Women's Diver-of-the-Week for all meets through Sunday, November 24.

Heline won both the women's 1-meter and  3-meter diving events at the Tiger Western Shootout in Southlake, Texas, beating out several divers from Oklahoma Baptist and Henderson State University.

Heline won the low board with a score of 249.50 and led teammate Mollie Patzke to a first and third place finish in the 3-meter event, scoring 299.65.

SCAC Women's Divers-of-the-Week
Week 1 Samantha Buxbaum, Colorado College
Week 2 Ashley Heline, Trinity University
Week 3 Ashley Heline, Trinity University 
Week 4 No nominations for the week 
Week 5 Ashley Heline, Trinity University 
Week 6  
Week 7  
Week 8  
Week 9  
Week 10