Rust vs. Centenary (La.)
@ Longview, TX (Solheim Arena)
11/1/2013 at 3 p.m.

In Progress - 3rd 1 2 3 Score
Rust 0 6 9 0
Centenary (La.) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
RUST -- 1st -- CCVB
  RUST starters: Mercedes Turner; Jaylen Cox; Vidrine Jones; Jade Jones; Precious Watkins; Ingrid Sims.  
  CCVB starters: Rachel Perkins; Brooke Bahlinger; Lindsey Long; Kadidiatou Diawara; Beth Nuttall; Sarah Sumner; libero Chelsea Petska.  
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RUST -- 2nd -- CCVB
  RUST starters: Mercedes Turner; Jade Jones; Ingrid Sims; Jaylen Cox; Precious Watkins; Vidrine Jones.  
  CCVB starters: Rachel Perkins; Brooke Bahlinger; Lindsey Long; Kadidiatou Diawara; Beth Nuttall; Sarah Sumner; libero Chelsea Petska.  
[Beth Nuttall] Service ace (Precious Watkins). Point CCVB 0-1
1-1 [Beth Nuttall] Attack error by Lindsey Long. Point RUST
[Vidrine Jones] Service error. Point CCVB 1-2
[Sarah Sumner] Service ace (Jade Jones). Point CCVB 1-3
[Sarah Sumner] Service ace (Jade Jones). Point CCVB 1-4
  CCVB subs: Kadidiatou Diawara.  
[Lindsey Long] Service ace (Jade Jones). Point CCVB 1-5
[Lindsey Long] Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Rachel Perkins). Point CCVB 2-6
3-6 [Lindsey Long] Service error. Point RUST
[Ingrid Sims] Attack error by Jade Jones. Point CCVB 3-7
[Rachel Perkins] Service ace (Ingrid Sims). Point CCVB 3-8
4-8 [Rachel Perkins] Service error. Point RUST
[Precious Watkins] Service error. Point CCVB 4-9
[Brooke Bahlinger] Service ace (Ingrid Sims). Point CCVB 4-10
[Brooke Bahlinger] Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 4-11
[Brooke Bahlinger] Attack error by Jade Jones (block by Kadidiatou Diawara; Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 4-12
[Brooke Bahlinger] Attack error by Vidrine Jones. Point CCVB 4-13
  Timeout Rust College (MS).  
[Brooke Bahlinger] Kill by Sarah Sumner (from Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 4-14
5-14 [Brooke Bahlinger] Kill by Precious Watkins. Point RUST
[Mercedes Turner] Service error. Point CCVB 5-15
  CCVB subs: Lindsey Long.  
[Chelsea Petska] Service ace (Precious Watkins). Point CCVB 5-16
[Chelsea Petska] Attack error by Mercedes Turner (block by Sarah Sumner). Point CCVB 5-17
[Chelsea Petska] Kill by Lindsey Long (from Brooke Bahlinger). Point CCVB 5-18
[Chelsea Petska] Kill by Sarah Sumner (from Brooke Bahlinger). Point CCVB 5-19
[Chelsea Petska] Kill by Lindsey Long (from Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 5-20
[Chelsea Petska] Service ace (Mercedes Turner). Point CCVB 5-21
6-21 [Chelsea Petska] Kill by Jade Jones (from Vidrine Jones). Point RUST
[Jade Jones] Attack error by Vidrine Jones. Point CCVB 6-22
7-22 [Beth Nuttall] Kill by Ingrid Sims (from Precious Watkins). Point RUST
[Beth Nuttall] Bad set by Vidrine Jones. Point CCVB 6-24
[Beth Nuttall] Attack error by Jaylen Cox. Point CCVB 6-25
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RUST -- 3rd -- CCVB
  RUST starters: Vidrine Jones; Jaylen Cox; Ingrid Sims; Precious Watkins; Mercedes Turner; Jade Jones.  
  CCVB starters: Brooke Bahlinger; Christina NeSmith; Lindsey Long; Beth Nuttall; Kadidiatou Diawara; Rachel Perkins; libero Chelsea Petska.  
[Jade Jones] Kill by Christina NeSmith (from Brooke Bahlinger). Point CCVB 0-1
1-1 [Rachel Perkins] Kill by Jaylen Cox (from Jade Jones). Point RUST
[Vidrine Jones] Kill by Christina NeSmith (from Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 1-2
[Lindsey Long] Service ace (Jade Jones). Point CCVB 1-3
[Lindsey Long] Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Brooke Bahlinger). Point CCVB 1-4
[Lindsey Long] Kill by Christina NeSmith (from Rachel Perkins). Point CCVB 1-6
[Lindsey Long] Kill by Brooke Bahlinger. Point CCVB 1-7
[Lindsey Long] Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 1-8
[Lindsey Long] Attack error by Jaylen Cox. Point CCVB 1-9
[Lindsey Long] Service ace (Mercedes Turner). Point CCVB 1-10
2-10 [Lindsey Long] Service error. Point RUST
3-10 [Jaylen Cox] Service ace (Chelsea Petska). Point RUST
4-10 [Jaylen Cox] Kill by Ingrid Sims (from Precious Watkins). Point RUST
[Jaylen Cox] Attack error by Precious Watkins. Point CCVB 4-11
[Kobi Stephens] Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Kobi Stephens). Point CCVB 4-12
[Kobi Stephens] Kill by Beth Nuttall (from Rachel Perkins). Point CCVB 4-13
[Kobi Stephens] Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Rachel Perkins). Point CCVB 4-14
  Timeout Rust College (MS).  
[Kobi Stephens] Service ace (Jade Jones). Point CCVB 4-15
[Kobi Stephens] Attack error by Jade Jones. Point CCVB 4-16
[Kobi Stephens] Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 4-17
5-17 [Kobi Stephens] Service error. Point RUST
[Ingrid Sims] Service error. Point CCVB 5-18
[Brooke Bahlinger] Service ace (Jaylen Cox). Point CCVB 5-20
[Brooke Bahlinger] Service ace (Ingrid Sims). Point CCVB 5-21
6-21 [Brooke Bahlinger] Service error. Point RUST
7-21 [Precious Watkins] Attack error by Kadidiatou Diawara. Point RUST
[Precious Watkins] Kill by Rachel Perkins (from Brooke Bahlinger). Point CCVB 7-22
  CCVB subs: Lindsey Long.  
[Kadidiatou Diawara] Attack error by Jaylen Cox. Point CCVB 7-23
8-23 [Kadidiatou Diawara] Attack error by Lindsey Long. Point RUST
9-23 [Mercedes Turner] Attack error by Rachel Perkins. Point RUST
[Mercedes Turner] Kill by Lindsey Long (from Beth Nuttall). Point CCVB 9-24
  CCVB subs: Christina NeSmith.  
[Beth Nuttall] Kill by Lindsey Long (from Chelsea Petska). Point CCVB 9-25
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