Centenary vs Dallas (Nov 09, 2013)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Centenary vs Dallas
(Nov 09, 2013 at San Antonio, Texas)

   Centenary      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
3   Chelsea Petska   .000  10 
6   Rachel Perkins   -.429  15 
7   Brooke Bahlinger   26  .154  10 
10  Lindsey Long   .111 
11  Kadidiatou Diawara   13  .154 
14  Sarah Sumner   25  .000  10 
15  Kobi Stephens   .000 
24  Christina NeSmith   14  -.071 
  Totals  17  14  94  .032  16  44 
Set  TA  Pct 
25  -.040 
37  .108 
32  .000 
Centenary   (0)  22      
Dallas   (3)  25  25  25      

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
1   Jessie Koster   .000  17 
2   Allison Seager   .000 
3   Avery Finch   .000 
4   Julia Spence   -.667 
5   Hailey White   .000 
8   Emily Caples   14  24  .500 
9   Christa Baier   1.000 
10  Jaime Birzer   13  .154 
11  Anna Fazio   .000 
12  Mairin Guilfoyle   15  .200 
13  Cat Dowgwillo   22  .182 
17  Joella Butler   10  .300 
18  C.J. Broadbent   .500  29  12 
21  Christine Jablonsky   11  .000 
  Totals  38  13  103  .243  36  54 
Set  TA  Pct 
25  .200 
14  42  .167 
16  36  .361 
    Site: San Antonio, Texas (Sams Gym)
Date: Nov 09, 2013 Attend: 38 Time: 1:00


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Centenary vs Dallas
(Nov 09, 2013 at San Antonio, Texas)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
3   Chelsea Petska   .000  .000  1.000  10  17  .773 
6   Rachel Perkins   -.429  15  79  .190  .400  .000 
7   Brooke Bahlinger   26  .154  .143  1.000  10  12  .923 
10  Lindsey Long   .111  .000  1.000  .000 
11  Kadidiatou Diawara   13  .154  .000  .000  .000 
14  Sarah Sumner   25  .000  12  .000  13  .846  10  24  .923 
15  Kobi Stephens   .000  .000  .857  1.000 
24  Christina NeSmith   14  -.071  .000  .000  .000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  17  14  94  .032  16  109  .147  41  .854  44  59  .868 
Set  TA  Pct 
25  -.040 
37  .108 
32  .000 
Centenary   (0)  22      
Dallas   (3)  25  25  25      

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
1   Jessie Koster   .000  .667  1.000  17  1.000 
2   Allison Seager   .000  .333  18  .889  .875 
3   Avery Finch   .000  .000  1.000  1.000 
4   Julia Spence   -.667  .000  .800  1.000 
5   Hailey White   .000  .000  .000  1.000 
8   Emily Caples   14  24  .500  .000  .000  .000 
9   Christa Baier   1.000  1.000  .000  .000 
10  Jaime Birzer   13  .154  .000  12  1.000  1.000 
11  Anna Fazio   .000  .000  1.000  1.000 
12  Mairin Guilfoyle   15  .200  .500  11  .909  .000 
13  Cat Dowgwillo   22  .182  .000  1.000  1.000 
17  Joella Butler   10  .300  .000  1.000  1.000 
18  C.J. Broadbent   .500  29  83  .349  .889  12  .000 
21  Christine Jablonsky   11  .000  10  .200  .000  1.000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  38  13  103  .243  36  112  .321  73  .932  54  33  .943 
Set  TA  Pct 
25  .200 
14  42  .167 
16  36  .361 
    Site: San Antonio, Texas (Sams Gym)
Date: Nov 09, 2013 Attend: 38 Time: 1:00


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Centenary vs Dallas
(Nov 09, 2013 at San Antonio, Texas)

Dallas def. Centenary 25-9,25-22,25-8

Centenary (Kills-aces-blocks) - Brooke Bahlinger 6-0-0; Sarah
Sumner 5-0-1; Kadidiatou Diawara 3-0-1; Christina NeSmith 2-0-2;
Lindsey Long 1-0-1; Kobi Stephens 0-2-0; Totals 17-2-3.0. (Assists) -
Rachel Perkins 15. (Dig leaders) - Chelsea Petska 10; Brooke Bahlinger
10; Sarah Sumner 10

Dallas (Kills-aces-blocks) - Emily Caples 14-0-0; Cat Dowgwillo
7-2-1; Mairin Guilfoyle 5-1-0; Joella Butler 4-0-0; Jaime Birzer
4-3-1; Christa Baier 2-0-0; C.J. Broadbent 1-1-0; Christine Jablonsky
1-0-1; Julia Spence 0-1-0; Allison Seager 0-1-0; Totals 38-9-2.0.
(Assists) - C.J. Broadbent 29. (Dig leaders) - Jessie Koster 17; C.J.
Broadbent 12

Site: San Antonio, Texas (Sams Gym)

Date: Nov 09, 2013 Attend: 38 Time: 1:00

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Centenary vs Dallas
(Nov 09, 2013 at San Antonio, Texas)

1st Set

1-0Point UD - (Brooke Bahlinger) Attack error by Sarah Sumner.so
2-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Jessie Koster).
3-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Kill by Christine Jablonsky.
4-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Service ace (Chelsea Petska).
5-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Service ace (Chelsea Petska).
6-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Attack error by Sarah Sumner.
Timeout Centenary.
7-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Bad set by Rachel Perkins.
8-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Service ace (Brooke Bahlinger).
9-0Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Attack error by Sarah Sumner.
9-1Point CENT - (Jaime Birzer) Kill by Sarah Sumner (from Rachel Perkins).so
10-1Point UD - (Chelsea Petska) Ball handling error by Rachel Perkins.so
11-1Point UD - (Cat Dowgwillo) Service ace (Chelsea Petska).
11-2Point CENT - (Cat Dowgwillo) Kill by Sarah Sumner (from Rachel Perkins).so
12-2Point UD - (Rachel Perkins) Service error.so
13-2Point UD - (Allison Seager) Service ace (Sarah Sumner).
14-2Point UD - (Allison Seager) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).
15-2Point UD - (Allison Seager) Attack error by Christina NeSmith.
16-2Point UD - (Allison Seager) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).
17-2Point UD - (Allison Seager) Ball handling error by Rachel Perkins.
18-2Point UD - (Allison Seager) Attack error by Christina NeSmith.
18-3Point CENT - (Allison Seager) Service error.so
18-4Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Attack error by Julia Spence (block by Christina NeSmith).
18-5Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Kill by Brooke Bahlinger (from Rachel Perkins).
18-6Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Attack error by Julia Spence.
19-6Point UD - (Sarah Sumner) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).so
19-7Point CENT - (Julia Spence) Kill by Brooke Bahlinger.so
20-7Point UD - (Lindsey Long) Kill by Joella Butler (from C.J. Broadbent), block error by Christina NeSmith.so
21-7Point UD - (Anna Fazio) Kill by Joella Butler (from C.J. Broadbent).
21-8Point CENT - (Anna Fazio) Attack error by Cat Dowgwillo.so
22-8Point UD - (Kobi Stephens) Service error.so
23-8Point UD - (C.J. Broadbent) Ball handling error by Rachel Perkins.
23-9Point CENT - (C.J. Broadbent) Kill by Brooke Bahlinger (from Rachel Perkins), block error by Joella Butler.so
24-9Point UD - (Brooke Bahlinger) Attack error by Kadidiatou Diawara.so
25-9Point UD - (Joella Butler) Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Christa Baier).

2nd Set

1-0Point UD - (C.J. Broadbent) Kill by Jaime Birzer (from C.J. Broadbent).
1-1Point CENT - (C.J. Broadbent) Kill by Lindsey Long (from Rachel Perkins).so
2-1Point UD - (Rachel Perkins) Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from C.J. Broadbent).so
3-1Point UD - (Julia Spence) Service ace (Chelsea Petska).
4-1Point UD - (Julia Spence) Ball handling error by Rachel Perkins.
4-2Point CENT - (Julia Spence) Service error.so
4-3Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Kill by Brooke Bahlinger (from Rachel Perkins).
4-4Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Attack error by Christine Jablonsky.
4-5Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Attack error by Mairin Guilfoyle.
5-5Point UD - (Sarah Sumner) Service error.so
5-6Point CENT - (Cat Dowgwillo) Kill by Brooke Bahlinger (from Rachel Perkins).so
5-7Point CENT - (Lindsey Long) Kill by Christina NeSmith (from Rachel Perkins), block error by Mairin Guilfoyle.
6-7Point UD - (Lindsey Long) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).so
6-8Point CENT - (Allison Seager) Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Rachel Perkins).so
7-8Point UD - (Kobi Stephens) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).so
8-8Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Attack error by Rachel Perkins (block by Jaime Birzer).
9-8Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Kill by Jaime Birzer (from C.J. Broadbent).
9-9Point CENT - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Service error.so
9-10Point CENT - (Brooke Bahlinger) Attack error by Jaime Birzer.
9-11Point CENT - (Brooke Bahlinger) Attack error by Emily Caples (block by Kadidiatou Diawara; Sarah Sumner).
10-11Point UD - (Brooke Bahlinger) Bad set by Chelsea Petska.so
10-12Point CENT - (Jessie Koster) Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Rachel Perkins).so
10-13Point CENT - (Chelsea Petska) Attack error by Cat Dowgwillo.
10-14Point CENT - (Chelsea Petska) Kill by Sarah Sumner (from Brooke Bahlinger).
Timeout Dallas.
11-14Point UD - (Chelsea Petska) Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from C.J. Broadbent).so
12-14Point UD - (C.J. Broadbent) Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from C.J. Broadbent).
12-15Point CENT - (C.J. Broadbent) Ball handling error by Christine Jablonsky.so
13-15Point UD - (Rachel Perkins) Ball handling error by Rachel Perkins.so
13-16Point CENT - (Julia Spence) Attack error by Cat Dowgwillo (block by Christina NeSmith; Lindsey Long).so
13-17Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Attack error by Mairin Guilfoyle.
13-18Point CENT - (Sarah Sumner) Bad set by C.J. Broadbent.
Timeout Dallas.
14-18Point UD - (Sarah Sumner) Attack error by Brooke Bahlinger.so
15-18Point UD - (Cat Dowgwillo) Service ace (Sarah Sumner).
15-19Point CENT - (Cat Dowgwillo) Kill by Brooke Bahlinger (from Rachel Perkins).so
16-19Point UD - (Lindsey Long) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent), block error by Kadidiatou Diawara.so
17-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Attack error by Rachel Perkins.
18-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Ball handling error by Rachel Perkins.
19-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from C.J. Broadbent).
Timeout Centenary.
20-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).
21-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).
22-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).
Timeout Centenary.
23-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Attack error by Rachel Perkins.
24-19Point UD - (Allison Seager) Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Jessie Koster).
24-20Point CENT - (Allison Seager) Service error.so
24-21Point CENT - (Kobi Stephens) Service ace (TEAM).
24-22Point CENT - (Kobi Stephens) Service ace (Allison Seager).
25-22Point UD - (Kobi Stephens) Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from C.J. Broadbent).so

3rd Set

1-0Point UD - (Rachel Perkins) Service error.so
1-1Point CENT - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Kill by Sarah Sumner (from Rachel Perkins), block error by Jaime Birzer.so
2-1Point UD - (Sarah Sumner) Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from C.J. Broadbent).so
3-1Point UD - (Cat Dowgwillo) Kill by Emily Caples (from Christine Jablonsky).
3-2Point CENT - (Cat Dowgwillo) Attack error by Jaime Birzer.so
4-2Point UD - (Lindsey Long) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).so
4-3Point CENT - (Allison Seager) Kill by Christina NeSmith (from Rachel Perkins), block error by Emily Caples.so
4-4Point CENT - (Kobi Stephens) Attack error by Emily Caples.
5-4Point UD - (Kobi Stephens) Kill by Jaime Birzer (from C.J. Broadbent).so
6-4Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).
7-4Point UD - (Jaime Birzer) Kill by Emily Caples (from C.J. Broadbent).
7-5Point CENT - (Jaime Birzer) Kill by Kadidiatou Diawara (from Rachel Perkins).so
8-5Point UD - (Brooke Bahlinger) Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from C.J. Broadbent).so
9-5Point UD - (Jessie Koster) Kill by C.J. Broadbent (from Allison Seager).
9-6Point CENT - (Jessie Koster) Kill by Sarah Sumner (from Rachel Perkins).so
10-6Point UD - (Chelsea Petska) Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from C.J. Broadbent).so
11-6Point UD - (C.J. Broadbent) Attack error by Sarah Sumner (block by Christine Jablonsky; Cat Dowgwillo).
Timeout Centenary.
12-6Point UD - (C.J. Broadbent) Service ace (TEAM).
12-7Point CENT - (C.J. Broadbent) Service error.so
13-7Point UD - (Rachel Perkins) Service error.so
14-7Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Attack error by Sarah Sumner.
15-7Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Kill by Jaime Birzer (from Christine Jablonsky).
16-7Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Attack error by Christina NeSmith.
17-7Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Mairin Guilfoyle).
18-7Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Service ace (Chelsea Petska).
19-7Point UD - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Kill by Joella Butler (from C.J. Broadbent).
19-8Point CENT - (Mairin Guilfoyle) Attack error by Joella Butler.so
20-8Point UD - (Sarah Sumner) Service error.so
21-8Point UD - (Cat Dowgwillo) Kill by Christa Baier (from C.J. Broadbent).
22-8Point UD - (Avery Finch) Kill by Emily Caples.
23-8Point UD - (Avery Finch) Attack error by Brooke Bahlinger.
24-8Point UD - (Avery Finch) Kill by Christa Baier (from C.J. Broadbent).
25-8Point UD - (Avery Finch) Kill by Joella Butler (from C.J. Broadbent).