Hardin-Simmons vs Austin College (Nov 02, 2013)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Hardin-Simmons vs Austin College
(Nov 02, 2013 at Georgetown, Texas)

   Hardin-Simmons      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
6   Morgan Watts   22  .318 
7   Christine Sas   13  12  53  .019  19 
10  Tori Martinez   15  33  .182 
13  Tucker Smith   .000  24 
15  Addison Zaya   1.000  12 
20  Amber Bowman   .800 
1   Ashley Babineaux   .000  32 
3   Ellen Dees   .333 
4   Gabi Martinez   .000 
5   Molli Owen   .333  25  10 
8   Hannah Hornsby   25  .120 
9   Belle Shaver   10  .300 
11  Barbie Claussen   18  .000 
16  Kylie Jenkins   .000 
  Totals  59  32  178  .152  56  10  94  16 
Set  TA  Pct 
15  34  .294 
12  38  .184 
13  42  .095 
11  37  .081 
27  .111 
Hardin-Simmons   (2)  25  20  25  23  13     19-14, 14-4  
Austin College   (3)  18  25  18  25  15     20-19, 5-9  

   Austin College      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
2   Shelby Eaves   20  57  .211  13 
3   Alyssa Pruett   .000 
5   Kelsey Klingler   -.500  27  10 
15  Reygan Holloman   19  .105 
16  Alyse Magnuson   .000  14  12 
17  Presleigh Watson   24  .042 
1   Madison Lee   46  .065 
8   Cathryn Yarbrough   .000 
9   Rachel Fusselman   .000  20 
10  Bekah Newberry   26  .154 
11  Alex Fusco   .000 
19  Robin Wright   .000 
  Totals  48  27  179  .117  45  75 
Set  TA  Pct 
27  .111 
13  44  .159 
48  -.062 
14  39  .231 
21  .238 
    Site: Georgetown, Texas
Date: Nov 02, 2013 Attend: 62 Time: 1:50


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Hardin-Simmons vs Austin College
(Nov 02, 2013 at Georgetown, Texas)

   Hardin-Simmons      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
6   Morgan Watts   22  .318  .000  18  .889  1.000 
7   Christine Sas   13  12  53  .019  25  .040  20  .900  19  30  .968 
10  Tori Martinez   15  33  .182  .000  .000  1.000 
13  Tucker Smith   .000  24  30  .800  11  .818  .000 
15  Addison Zaya   1.000  14  .071  15  .933  12  10  .769 
20  Amber Bowman   .800  .000  .000  .000 
1   Ashley Babineaux   .000  35  .114  26  .923  32  16  .941 
3   Ellen Dees   .333  .000  .000  .800 
4   Gabi Martinez   .000  .000  .000  .000 
5   Molli Owen   .333  25  33  .758  15  .933  10  .000 
8   Hannah Hornsby   25  .120  .000  .000  .000 
9   Belle Shaver   10  .300  .000  .000  .000 
11  Barbie Claussen   18  .000  10  .000  .000  14  1.000 
16  Kylie Jenkins   .000  1.000  .000  .000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  1.000 
  Totals.........  59  32  178  .152  56  160  .350  10  105  .905  94  16  86  .925 
Set  TA  Pct 
15  34  .294 
12  38  .184 
13  42  .095 
11  37  .081 
27  .111 
Hardin-Simmons   (2)  25  20  25  23  13     19-14, 14-4  
Austin College   (3)  18  25  18  25  15     20-19, 5-9  

   Austin College      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
2   Shelby Eaves   20  57  .211  30  .033  16  1.000  13  37  .949 
3   Alyssa Pruett   .000  14  .214  22  .955  11  .917 
5   Kelsey Klingler   -.500  27  40  .675  14  .929  10  .000 
15  Reygan Holloman   19  .105  .000  15  .867  .000 
16  Alyse Magnuson   .000  14  29  .483  13  1.000  12  .750 
17  Presleigh Watson   24  .042  .000  .000  .000 
1   Madison Lee   46  .065  .000  .000  .800 
8   Cathryn Yarbrough   .000  .000  .000  .000 
9   Rachel Fusselman   .000  33  .000  17  .941  20  28  .903 
10  Bekah Newberry   26  .154  .000  .000  .000 
11  Alex Fusco   .000  .000  .000  .000 
19  Robin Wright   .000  .000  .500  .000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  1.000 
  Totals.........  48  27  179  .117  45  158  .285  99  .939  75  88  .917 
Set  TA  Pct 
27  .111 
13  44  .159 
48  -.062 
14  39  .231 
21  .238 
    Site: Georgetown, Texas
Date: Nov 02, 2013 Attend: 62 Time: 1:50


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Hardin-Simmons vs Austin College
(Nov 02, 2013 at Georgetown, Texas)

Austin College def. Hardin-Simmons 18-25,25-20,18-25,25-23,15-13

Hardin-Simmons (19-14, 14-4) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Tori
Martinez 15-0-4; Christine Sas 13-1-3; Morgan Watts 9-2-5; Hannah
Hornsby 8-0-4; Belle Shaver 4-0-1; Amber Bowman 4-0-1; Barbie Claussen
3-0-0; Molli Owen 1-0-0; Addison Zaya 1-2-0; Ellen Dees 1-0-1; Ashley
Babineaux 0-3-0; Totals 59-8-11.0. (Assists) - Molli Owen 25; Tucker
Smith 24. (Dig leaders) - Ashley Babineaux 32; Christine Sas 19;
Addison Zaya 12; Molli Owen 10

Austin College (20-19, 5-9) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Shelby Eaves
20-1-0; Madison Lee 9-0-0; Bekah Newberry 7-0-1; Reygan Holloman
6-0-2; Presleigh Watson 6-0-4; Alyssa Pruett 0-3-0; Kelsey Klingler
0-1-1; Alyse Magnuson 0-2-0; Totals 48-7-6.0. (Assists) - Kelsey
Klingler 27; Alyse Magnuson 14. (Dig leaders) - Rachel Fusselman 20;
Shelby Eaves 13; Alyse Magnuson 12; Kelsey Klingler 10; Alyssa Pruett

Site: Georgetown, Texas

Date: Nov 02, 2013 Attend: 62 Time: 1:50

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2013 SCAC Volleyball
Hardin-Simmons vs Austin College
(Nov 02, 2013 at Georgetown, Texas)

1st Set

For AC: Alyssa Pruett; Reygan Holloman; Presleigh Watson; Shelby Eaves; Kelsey Klingler; Alyse Magnuson; libero Rachel Fusselman.
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Addison Zaya; Morgan Watts; Christine Sas; Amber Bowman; Tori Martinez; libero Ashley Babineaux.
0-1Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Christine Sas (from Tucker Smith).so
1-1Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
2-1Point AC - (Reygan Holloman) Attack error by Morgan Watts (block by Presleigh Watson; Kelsey Klingler).
3-1Point AC - (Reygan Holloman) Attack error by Christine Sas.
3-2Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Amber Bowman (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
4-2Point AC - (Molli Owen) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
4-3Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Christine Sas (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Ellen Dees.
4-4Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Attack error by Shelby Eaves.
5-4Point AC - (Christine Sas) Service error.so
For AC: Madison Lee.
5-5Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).so
5-6Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Attack error by Madison Lee.
5-7Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Molli Owen).
5-8Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Service ace (Madison Lee).
6-8Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Presleigh Watson (from Kelsey Klingler).so
6-9Point HSU - (Rachel Fusselman) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Amber Bowman.
7-9Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Service error.so
For AC: Alyse Magnuson.
8-9Point AC - (Alyse Magnuson) Service ace (Ellen Dees).
8-10Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Amber Bowman.so
8-11Point HSU - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).
9-13Point HSU - (Addison Zaya) Service ace (Alyse Magnuson).
10-13Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Attack error by Christine Sas.so
For AC: Alyssa Pruett.
11-13Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
11-14Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).so
11-15Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Reygan Holloman.
11-16Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Christine Sas (from Tucker Smith).so
12-16Point AC - (Molli Owen) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
13-16Point AC - Point awarded by official to Austin College.
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
14-16Point AC - (Kelsey Klingler) Attack error by Christine Sas.
14-17Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Bad set by Bekah Newberry.so
For HSU: Ellen Dees.
15-17Point AC - (Christine Sas) Kill by Presleigh Watson (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Madison Lee.
15-18Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Molli Owen).so
15-19Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Molli Owen (from Christine Sas).
15-20Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Attack error by Presleigh Watson (block by Tori Martinez; Ellen Dees).
Timeout Austin College.
16-20Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Bekah Newberry (from Kelsey Klingler).so
16-21Point HSU - (Rachel Fusselman) Kill by Addison Zaya.so
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Amber Bowman.
16-22Point HSU - (Tucker Smith) Attack error by Reygan Holloman (block by Tori Martinez; Amber Bowman).
17-22Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Kill by Madison Lee (from Kelsey Klingler).so
17-23Point HSU - (Alyse Magnuson) Bad set by Kelsey Klingler.so
For HSU: Addison Zaya.
17-24Point HSU - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).
18-24Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Madison Lee (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Alyssa Pruett.
18-25Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).so

2nd Set

For AC: Alyse Magnuson; Shelby Eaves; Kelsey Klingler; Reygan Holloman; Presleigh Watson; Alyssa Pruett; libero Rachel Fusselman.
For HSU: Amber Bowman; Addison Zaya; Tori Martinez; Tucker Smith; Morgan Watts; Christine Sas; libero Ashley Babineaux.
0-1Point HSU - (Addison Zaya) Bad set by Kelsey Klingler.
0-2Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Amber Bowman (from Ashley Babineaux).so
1-2Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Presleigh Watson.
2-2Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Service error.so
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
3-2Point AC - (Kelsey Klingler) Service ace (Addison Zaya).
3-3Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Christine Sas (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
4-3Point AC - (Molli Owen) Attack error by Hannah Hornsby.so
For AC: Madison Lee.
5-3Point AC - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Madison Lee.
6-3Point AC - (Shelby Eaves) Attack error by Christine Sas.
7-3Point AC - (Shelby Eaves) Service ace (Addison Zaya).
7-4Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Attack error by Madison Lee.so
For HSU: Ellen Dees.
7-5Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).
7-6Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).
8-6Point AC - (Christine Sas) Service error.so
8-7Point HSU - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Bekah Newberry.so
9-7Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Madison Lee (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Alyse Magnuson.
9-8Point HSU - (Alyse Magnuson) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Amber Bowman.
10-8Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Alyssa Pruett.
10-9Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Amber Bowman (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Addison Zaya.
11-9Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Shelby Eaves.so
12-9Point AC - (Reygan Holloman) Attack error by Christine Sas.
12-10Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Attack error by Shelby Eaves.so
13-10Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Presleigh Watson (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
14-10Point AC - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Presleigh Watson (from Kelsey Klingler).
Timeout Hardin-Simmons.
15-10Point AC - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).
16-10Point AC - (Kelsey Klingler) Attack error by Christine Sas.
16-11Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
17-11Point AC - (Molli Owen) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Madison Lee.
17-12Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Christine Sas (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Ellen Dees.
17-13Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Attack error by Madison Lee.
17-14Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).
18-14Point AC - (Christine Sas) Kill by Madison Lee (from Kelsey Klingler).so
18-15Point HSU - (Rachel Fusselman) Service error.so
18-16Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Attack error by Madison Lee (block by Hannah Hornsby; Tori Martinez).
19-16Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Reygan Holloman (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Alyse Magnuson.
20-16Point AC - (Alyse Magnuson) Kill by Reygan Holloman (from Kelsey Klingler).
21-16Point AC - (Alyse Magnuson) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
21-17Point HSU - (Alyse Magnuson) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Amber Bowman.
21-18Point HSU - (Tucker Smith) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).
21-19Point HSU - (Tucker Smith) Kill by Ellen Dees (from Tucker Smith).
Timeout Austin College.
22-19Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Kill by Madison Lee (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Alyssa Pruett.
23-19Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Service ace (Ellen Dees).
24-19Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Service ace (Christine Sas).
24-20Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Service error.so
For HSU: Addison Zaya.
25-20Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Shelby Eaves.so

3rd Set

For AC: Presleigh Watson; Shelby Eaves; Alyssa Pruett; Alyse Magnuson; Kelsey Klingler; Reygan Holloman; libero Rachel Fusselman.
For HSU: Tori Martinez; Christine Sas; Tucker Smith; Addison Zaya; Belle Shaver; Morgan Watts; libero Ashley Babineaux.
1-0Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
1-1Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Molli Owen).so
1-2Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Christine Sas (from Tucker Smith).so
1-3Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Shelby Eaves.
2-3Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Belle Shaver (from Ashley Babineaux).
3-3Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
4-3Point AC - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).
4-4Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Christine Sas (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
4-5Point HSU - (Molli Owen) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Molli Owen).
4-6Point HSU - (Molli Owen) Kill by Christine Sas (from Molli Owen).
4-7Point HSU - (Molli Owen) Attack error by Shelby Eaves (block by Morgan Watts; Hannah Hornsby).
4-8Point HSU - (Molli Owen) Attack error by Shelby Eaves (block by Hannah Hornsby).
5-8Point AC - (Molli Owen) Attack error by Morgan Watts.so
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
5-9Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Service error.so
For HSU: Barbie Claussen.
5-10Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Service ace (Shelby Eaves).
Timeout Austin College.
5-11Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Attack error by Shelby Eaves (block by Morgan Watts).
6-11Point AC - (Christine Sas) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Madison Lee.
7-11Point AC - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Bekah Newberry.
8-11Point AC - (Shelby Eaves) Attack error by Christine Sas (block by Presleigh Watson).
9-11Point AC - (Shelby Eaves) Attack error by Hannah Hornsby (block by Presleigh Watson).
9-12Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).so
9-13Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Service ace (Rachel Fusselman).
10-13Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Service error.so
11-13Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Hannah Hornsby (block by Reygan Holloman).
12-13Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
Timeout Hardin-Simmons.
12-14Point HSU - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Madison Lee (block by Tori Martinez; Hannah Hornsby).so
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Belle Shaver.
13-14Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Service error.so
For AC: Alyse Magnuson.
13-15Point HSU - (Alyse Magnuson) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Addison Zaya.
13-16Point HSU - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).
14-16Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Reygan Holloman (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Alyssa Pruett.
14-17Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Christine Sas (from Tucker Smith).so
14-18Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Shelby Eaves (block by Belle Shaver).
14-19Point HSU - Point awarded by official to Hardin-Simmons.
14-20Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Service ace (Rachel Fusselman).
14-20Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Kelsey Klingler (block by Morgan Watts; Christine Sas).
14-21Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Tucker Smith).
14-22Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Shelby Eaves.
15-22Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Service error.so
16-22Point AC - (Reygan Holloman) Attack error by Christine Sas.
16-23Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Service error.so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
17-23Point AC - (Molli Owen) Attack error by Christine Sas.so
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
18-23Point AC - (Kelsey Klingler) Attack error by Christine Sas.
18-24Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Molli Owen).so
18-25Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).

4th Set

==================== ==================== AUSTIN COLLEGE 3, HARDIN-SIMMONS 2 ====================
For AC: Kelsey Klingler; Presleigh Watson; Reygan Holloman; Alyse Magnuson; Alyssa Pruett; Shelby Eaves; libero Rachel Fusselman.
For HSU: Tori Martinez; Morgan Watts; Tucker Smith; Christine Sas; Belle Shaver; Addison Zaya; libero Ashley Babineaux.
1-0Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Reygan Holloman (from Kelsey Klingler).so
1-1Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Service error.so
1-2Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Presleigh Watson.
1-3Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Service ace (Rachel Fusselman).
2-3Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).so
2-4Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
2-5Point HSU - (Molli Owen) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).
3-5Point AC - (Molli Owen) Service error.so
For AC: Madison Lee.
4-5Point AC - (Shelby Eaves) Attack error by Hannah Hornsby.
4-6Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Attack error by Presleigh Watson (block by Morgan Watts; Christine Sas).so
For HSU: Barbie Claussen.
5-6Point AC - (Christine Sas) Kill by Madison Lee (from Kelsey Klingler).so
6-6Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Service error.so
6-7Point HSU - (Alyse Magnuson) Attack error by Madison Lee.so
7-7Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Attack error by Christine Sas.so
8-7Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Kelsey Klingler).
9-7Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Service ace (Ashley Babineaux).
9-8Point AC - Point awarded by official to Hardin-Simmons.
10-8Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Alyssa Pruett).
11-8Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Alyssa Pruett).
Timeout Hardin-Simmons.
11-9Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Addison Zaya.
12-9Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Service error.so
13-9Point AC - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Bekah Newberry (from Alyssa Pruett).
For AC: Robin Wright.
13-10Point HSU - (Robin Wright) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Tucker Smith).so
For AC: Reygan Holloman.
13-11Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Bekah Newberry (block by Morgan Watts; Christine Sas).
14-11Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Presleigh Watson (from Alyse Magnuson).so
For AC: Kelsey Klingler.
14-12Point HSU - (Kelsey Klingler) Kill by Belle Shaver (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
15-12Point AC - (Molli Owen) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Alyse Magnuson).so
For AC: Madison Lee.
15-13Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Christine Sas (from Addison Zaya).so
16-13Point AC - (Christine Sas) Attack error by Christine Sas.so
16-14Point HSU - (Rachel Fusselman) Bad set by Kelsey Klingler.so
16-15Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Attack error by Reygan Holloman.
16-15Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Madison Lee (from Kelsey Klingler).so
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
16-16Point HSU - (Alyse Magnuson) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Belle Shaver.
17-16Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Kill by Reygan Holloman (from Alyse Magnuson).so
For AC: Alyssa Pruett.
18-16Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Attack error by Barbie Claussen.
19-16Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
20-16Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Attack error by Barbie Claussen (block by Reygan Holloman; Bekah Newberry).
Timeout Hardin-Simmons.
20-17Point HSU - (Alyssa Pruett) Kill by Tori Martinez (from Ashley Babineaux).so
21-17Point AC - (Alyssa Pruett) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
22-17Point HSU - (Addison Zaya) Service ace (Alyssa Pruett).
22-18Point HSU - (Addison Zaya) Bad set by Alyse Magnuson.
22-19Point HSU - Point awarded by official to Hardin-Simmons.
Timeout Austin College.
23-19Point AC - (Addison Zaya) Kill by Bekah Newberry (from Alyse Magnuson).so
For AC: Robin Wright.
23-20Point HSU - (Robin Wright) Service error.so
24-20Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Belle Shaver.so
For AC: Kelsey Klingler.
24-21Point HSU - (Madison Lee) Kill by Christine Sas (from Kylie Jenkins).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
25-21Point AC - (Molli Owen) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Alyse Magnuson).so
25-22Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Christine Sas (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Barbie Claussen.
24-23Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Molli Owen).
Timeout Austin College.
25-23Point AC - (Christine Sas) Kill by Presleigh Watson (from Alyse Magnuson).so

5th Set

==================== ==================== AUSTIN COLLEGE 3, HARDIN-SIMMONS 2 ====================
For AC: Shelby Eaves; Kelsey Klingler; Alyse Magnuson; Reygan Holloman; Alyssa Pruett; Presleigh Watson; libero Rachel Fusselman.
For HSU: Tori Martinez; Addison Zaya; Tucker Smith; Belle Shaver; Morgan Watts; Christine Sas; libero Ashley Babineaux.
0-1Point AC - Point awarded by official to Hardin-Simmons.
0-2Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Service ace (Shelby Eaves).
0-3Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Belle Shaver.
0-4Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Attack error by Reygan Holloman.
0-5Point HSU - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Belle Shaver (from Tucker Smith).
1-5Point AC - (Ashley Babineaux) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Alyse Magnuson).so
2-5Point AC - (Reygan Holloman) Bad set by Tucker Smith.
2-6Point HSU - (Reygan Holloman) Kill by Christine Sas (from Tucker Smith).so
For HSU: Molli Owen; Hannah Hornsby.
3-6Point AC - (Molli Owen) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Alyse Magnuson).so
For AC: Bekah Newberry.
4-6Point AC - (Alyse Magnuson) Service ace (Addison Zaya).
5-6Point AC - (Alyse Magnuson) Kill by Shelby Eaves (from Alyse Magnuson).
5-7Point HSU - (Alyse Magnuson) Kill by Morgan Watts (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Barbie Claussen.
5-8Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Attack error by Presleigh Watson.
5-9Point HSU - (Christine Sas) Kill by Barbie Claussen (from Ashley Babineaux).
6-9Point AC - (Christine Sas) Attack error by Hannah Hornsby (block by Presleigh Watson).so
For AC: Madison Lee.
6-10Point HSU - (Shelby Eaves) Kill by Barbie Claussen (from Molli Owen).so
6-11Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Attack error by Bekah Newberry.
6-12Point HSU - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Barbie Claussen (from Molli Owen).
Timeout Austin College.
7-12Point AC - (Morgan Watts) Kill by Bekah Newberry (from Alyse Magnuson).so
8-12Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Barbie Claussen.
9-12Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Kill by Bekah Newberry (from Alyse Magnuson).
10-12Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
Timeout Hardin-Simmons.
11-12Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Kill by Reygan Holloman (from Alyse Magnuson).
12-12Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
13-12Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Attack error by Tori Martinez.
Timeout Hardin-Simmons.
14-12Point AC - (Rachel Fusselman) Kill by Bekah Newberry (from Alyse Magnuson).
14-13Point HSU - (Rachel Fusselman) Kill by Hannah Hornsby (from Molli Owen).so
For HSU: Tucker Smith; Belle Shaver.
15-13Point AC - (Tucker Smith) Kill by Madison Lee (from Alyse Magnuson).so