LeTourneau at Dallas
@ Sherman, Texas (Hughey Gym)
9/12/2015 at 2:27 pm

Final 1 2 3 Score
LeTourneau (2-7) 20 18 20 0
Dallas (5-4) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
LETU -- 1st -- UDVB
  LETU starters: A.J. Campbell; Schuyler Wages; Dolores Kroese; Korissa White; Morgan Weaver; Kayla Ronda; libero Alli Bordelon.  
  UDVB starters: Mairin Guilfoyle; Jaime Birzer; Elizabeth Smith; Lexi Noriega; Cat Dowgwillo; Diana Hassink; libero Jessie Koster.  
1-0 [Elizabeth Smith] Service error. Point LETU
2-0 [Dolores Kroese] Attack error by Diana Hassink. Point LETU
[Dolores Kroese] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 2-1
3-1 [Lexi Noriega] Attack error by Cat Dowgwillo. Point LETU
[A.J. Campbell] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 3-2
[Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Cat Dowgwillo). Point UDVB 3-3
4-3 [Cat Dowgwillo] Service error. Point LETU
  LETU subs: Bri Smith; Savanna Stutts.  
5-3 [Morgan Weaver] Kill by Kelsie Jeffries. Point LETU
[Kayla Ronda] Kill by Elizabeth Smith (from Jessie Koster). Point UDVB 5-4
  LETU subs: Liz Williams.  
6-4 [Mairin Guilfoyle] Kill by Dolores Kroese (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Allison Seager.  
[Alli Bordelon] Ball handling error by Alli Bordelon. Point UDVB 6-5
[Jessie Koster] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 6-6
7-6 [Jessie Koster] Attack error by Cat Dowgwillo. Point LETU
  LETU subs: Korissa White.  
  LETU subs: A.J. Campbell.  
8-6 [Korissa White] Attack error by Lexi Noriega (block by A.J. Campbell; Schuyler Wages). Point LETU
9-6 [Korissa White] Attack error by Lexi Noriega. Point LETU
[Korissa White] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 9-7
10-7 [Elizabeth Smith] Kill by A.J. Campbell (from Korissa White). Point LETU
  LETU subs: Kayla Ronda.  
  UDVB subs: Anna Fazio.  
11-7 [Dolores Kroese] Attack error by Diana Hassink. Point LETU
[Dolores Kroese] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Anna Fazio), block error by A.J. Campbell. Point UDVB 11-8
  UDVB subs: Mairin Guilfoyle.  
[Lexi Noriega] Kill by Diana Hassink (from Jessie Koster). Point UDVB 11-9
12-9 [Lexi Noriega] Kill by A.J. Campbell (from Korissa White). Point LETU
[A.J. Campbell] Service error. Point UDVB 12-10
13-10 [Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Schuyler Wages (from Korissa White). Point LETU
  LETU subs: Bri Smith; Savanna Stutts.  
[Bri Smith] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Diana Hassink). Point UDVB 13-11
  UDVB subs: Elizabeth Smith.  
[Diana Hassink] Kill by Jaime Birzer (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 13-12
14-12 [Diana Hassink] Kill by Morgan Weaver (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
15-12 [Kayla Ronda] Kill by Dolores Kroese. Point LETU
[Kayla Ronda] Attack error by Liz Williams. Point UDVB 15-13
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Attack error by Savanna Stutts. Point UDVB 15-14
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Service ace (TEAM). Point UDVB 15-15
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 15-16
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Service ace (Alli Bordelon). Point UDVB 15-17
16-17 [Mairin Guilfoyle] Kill by Dolores Kroese (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Allison Seager.  
17-17 [Alli Bordelon] Attack error by Jaime Birzer. Point LETU
[Alli Bordelon] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 17-18
[Jessie Koster] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Allison Seager). Point UDVB 17-19
  Timeout LeTourneau.  
[Jessie Koster] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 17-20
18-20 [Jessie Koster] Kill by A.J. Campbell (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
19-20 [Jessie Koster] Kill by A.J. Campbell (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
  LETU subs: Korissa White; Schuyler Wages.  
[Korissa White] Attack error by Dolores Kroese. Point UDVB 19-21
[Korissa White] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo. Point UDVB 19-22
[Elizabeth Smith] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 19-23
20-23 [Elizabeth Smith] Attack error by Diana Hassink. Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Anna Fazio.  
  LETU subs: Kayla Ronda.  
[Dolores Kroese] Service error. Point UDVB 20-24
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LETU -- 2nd -- UDVB
  LETU starters: Morgan Weaver; Kayla Ronda; Korissa White; Dolores Kroese; A.J. Campbell; Schuyler Wages; libero Alli Bordelon.  
  UDVB starters: Mairin Guilfoyle; Jaime Birzer; Elizabeth Smith; Diana Hassink; Lexi Noriega; Diana Hassink; libero Jessie Koster.  
1-0 [Korissa White] Kill by Schuyler Wages. Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Cat Dowgwillo.  
[Korissa White] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 1-1
[Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Diana Hassink (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 1-2
[Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Diana Hassink (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 1-3
2-3 [Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Dolores Kroese (from Korissa White). Point LETU
[Dolores Kroese] Service error. Point UDVB 2-4
[Diana Hassink] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle. Point UDVB 2-5
3-5 [Diana Hassink] Kill by A.J. Campbell. Point LETU
[A.J. Campbell] Kill by Jaime Birzer (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 3-6
4-6 [Mairin Guilfoyle] Kill by Schuyler Wages (from Korissa White). Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Allison Seager.  
  LETU subs: Savanna Stutts; Bri Smith.  
[Bri Smith] Kill by Jaime Birzer (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 4-7
[Jessie Koster] Service ace (Dolores Kroese). Point UDVB 4-8
[Jessie Koster] Kill by Elizabeth Smith (from Jessie Koster). Point UDVB 4-9
[Jessie Koster] Attack error by Kayla Ronda (block by Cat Dowgwillo; Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 4-10
  UDVB subs: Cat Dowgwillo.  
[Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo. Point UDVB 4-11
5-11 [Jessie Koster] Kill by Kayla Ronda (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
[Kayla Ronda] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 5-12
  LETU subs: Liz Williams.  
6-12 [Elizabeth Smith] Attack error by Diana Hassink. Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Anna Fazio.  
7-12 [Alli Bordelon] Ball handling error by Anna Fazio. Point LETU
8-12 [Alli Bordelon] Kill by A.J. Campbell. Point LETU
[Alli Bordelon] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Anna Fazio). Point UDVB 8-13
9-13 [Lexi Noriega] Service error. Point LETU
  LETU subs: Korissa White; Schuyler Wages.  
[Korissa White] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Anna Fazio), block error by A.J. Campbell. Point UDVB 9-14
[Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Diana Hassink (from Anna Fazio). Point UDVB 9-15
10-15 [Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by A.J. Campbell (from Korissa White). Point LETU
  LETU subs: Kayla Ronda.  
[Dolores Kroese] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Jessie Koster). Point UDVB 10-16
11-16 [Diana Hassink] Kill by Kayla Ronda (from Korissa White). Point LETU
12-16 [A.J. Campbell] Attack error by Mairin Guilfoyle (block by Schuyler Wages; Morgan Weaver). Point LETU
13-16 [A.J. Campbell] Service ace (Diana Hassink). Point LETU
[A.J. Campbell] Kill by Jaime Birzer (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 13-17
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Attack error by Schuyler Wages. Point UDVB 13-18
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 13-19
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Attack error by Schuyler Wages. Point UDVB 13-20
14-20 [Mairin Guilfoyle] Attack error by Mairin Guilfoyle. Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Allison Seager.  
15-20 [Bri Smith] Service ace (Allison Seager). Point LETU
[Bri Smith] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 15-21
[Jessie Koster] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 15-22
  Timeout LeTourneau.  
16-22 [Jessie Koster] Service . Point LETU
17-22 [] Kill by Dolores Kroese (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
[Cat Dowgwillo] Attack error by Savanna Stutts. Point UDVB 17-23
  UDVB subs: Anna Fazio.  
[Alli Bordelon] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Cat Dowgwillo). Point UDVB 17-24
  UDVB subs: Lexi Noriega.  
18-24 [Lexi Noriega] Service error. Point LETU
  LETU subs: Korissa White; Schuyler Wages.  
[Korissa White] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Anna Fazio). Point UDVB 18-25
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LETU -- 3rd -- UDVB
  LETU starters: Kayla Ronda; A.J. Campbell; Dolores Kroese; Schuyler Wages; Jenny Olejar; Korissa White; libero Alli Bordelon.  
  UDVB starters: Lexi Noriega; Elizabeth Smith; Jaime Birzer; Mairin Guilfoyle; Diana Hassink; Cat Dowgwillo; libero Jessie Koster.  
1-0 [Lexi Noriega] Kill by Schuyler Wages (from Korissa White). Point LETU
2-0 [Dolores Kroese] Kill by Schuyler Wages (from Korissa White). Point LETU
[Dolores Kroese] Kill by Diana Hassink (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 2-1
3-1 [Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by A.J. Campbell (from Korissa White). Point LETU
[A.J. Campbell] Kill by Jaime Birzer (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 3-2
4-2 [Diana Hassink] Attack error by Jaime Birzer. Point LETU
  LETU subs: Bri Smith; Savanna Stutts.  
5-2 [Bri Smith] Kill by Jenny Olejar (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
6-2 [Bri Smith] Attack error by Mairin Guilfoyle. Point LETU
[Bri Smith] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 6-3
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Attack error by Jenny Olejar (block by Jaime Birzer; Lexi Noriega). Point UDVB 6-4
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 6-5
[Mairin Guilfoyle] Attack error by Jenny Olejar. Point UDVB 6-6
7-6 [Mairin Guilfoyle] Attack error by Jaime Birzer. Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Allison Seager.  
[Kayla Ronda] Kill by Jaime Birzer (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 7-7
  LETU subs: Liz Williams.  
[Jessie Koster] Service ace (Alli Bordelon). Point UDVB 7-8
[Jessie Koster] Ball handling error by Bri Smith. Point UDVB 7-9
8-9 [Jessie Koster] Kill by Savanna Stutts (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
[Jenny Olejar] Kill by Diana Hassink (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 8-10
[Elizabeth Smith] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 8-11
  Timeout LeTourneau.  
[Elizabeth Smith] Attack error by Dolores Kroese. Point UDVB 8-12
[Elizabeth Smith] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 8-13
[Elizabeth Smith] Service ace (Dolores Kroese). Point UDVB 8-14
9-14 [Elizabeth Smith] Kill by Dolores Kroese (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Anna Fazio.  
  LETU subs: Schuyler Wages.  
[Korissa White] Attack error by Korissa White (block by Cat Dowgwillo). Point UDVB 9-15
[Lexi Noriega] Attack error by A.J. Campbell. Point UDVB 9-16
10-16 [Lexi Noriega] Kill by Dolores Kroese (from Schuyler Wages). Point LETU
11-16 [Dolores Kroese] Attack error by Anna Fazio. Point LETU
12-16 [Dolores Kroese] Attack error by Diana Hassink (block by Kayla Ronda; A.J. Campbell; Schuyler Wages). Point LETU
13-16 [Dolores Kroese] Service ace (Jessie Koster). Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Elizabeth Smith.  
[Dolores Kroese] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 13-17
14-17 [Cat Dowgwillo] Kill by Kayla Ronda (from Korissa White). Point LETU
15-17 [A.J. Campbell] Attack error by Mairin Guilfoyle. Point LETU
[A.J. Campbell] Kill by Diana Hassink (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 15-18
[Diana Hassink] Attack error by Schuyler Wages. Point UDVB 15-19
16-19 [Diana Hassink] Attack error by Mairin Guilfoyle. Point LETU
  LETU subs: Bri Smith; Savanna Stutts.  
17-19 [Bri Smith] Service ace (Lexi Noriega). Point LETU
[Bri Smith] Kill by Mairin Guilfoyle (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 17-20
18-20 [Mairin Guilfoyle] Kill by Jenny Olejar (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
  UDVB subs: Allison Seager.  
19-20 [Kayla Ronda] Attack error by Jaime Birzer. Point LETU
[Kayla Ronda] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 19-21
  LETU subs: Liz Williams.  
[Jessie Koster] Kill by Cat Dowgwillo (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 19-22
  Timeout LeTourneau.  
[Jessie Koster] Attack error by Dolores Kroese. Point UDVB 19-23
20-23 [Jessie Koster] Kill by Savanna Stutts (from Bri Smith). Point LETU
[Jenny Olejar] Kill by Lexi Noriega (from Elizabeth Smith). Point UDVB 20-24
[Elizabeth Smith] Attack error by Dolores Kroese. Point UDVB 20-25
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