Concordia Texas vs Texas Lutheran (Oct 28, 2017)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2017 SCAC Volleyball
Concordia Texas vs Texas Lutheran
(Oct 28, 2017 at Trinity University)

   Concordia Texas      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
2   Carly Custer   26  .077 
5   Marjani Myles   11  22  .227 
8   Georgia Quiroz   .667  42 
9   Marissa Stinson   13  28  .464 
10  Samantha Mendez   18  .167 
12  Kelly Farina   24  .292  10 
13  Rylee Davis   .000  12 
17  Hanah Singer   .000 
  Totals  49  17  124  .258  46  52 
Set  TA  Pct 
19  48  .271 
14  34  .265 
16  42  .238 
Concordia Texas   (3)  25  25  25      
Texas Lutheran   (0)  22  20  21      

   Texas Lutheran      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
5   Makenzie Griffin   27  .148 
11  Bryten Mitchan   12  .000 
12  Sara Haycraft   .400 
23  Kelly Jurden   .000  17 
24  Brooke Smith   .000 
25  Cailey Young   16  .375 
1   Remy Corbin   .000 
2   Christie Cosper   .222 
3   Jennifer Rodriguez   .000 
6   Jaci Chambers   .000  11 
7   Hannah Mikelonis   18  .278 
8   Savannah Kruse   .250 
13  Mathis Popelsky   .000 
14  Kelsey Hamrick   -1.000 
15  Martina Ayala   .000 
17  Kionasina Nu'u   1.000 
18  Kelsi Menn   .000 
19  Alexis Davis   .000 
  Totals  32  14  106  .170  29  50 
Set  TA  Pct 
10  41  .171 
11  29  .172 
11  36  .167 
    Site: Trinity University (Webster Gymnasium)
Date: Oct 28, 2017 Attend: 68 Time: 1:05


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2017 SCAC Volleyball
Concordia Texas vs Texas Lutheran
(Oct 28, 2017 at Trinity University)

   Concordia Texas      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
2   Carly Custer   26  .077  .400  11  1.000  21  .913 
5   Marjani Myles   11  22  .227  .000  .000  .000 
8   Georgia Quiroz   .667  42  104  .404  13  .923  .000 
9   Marissa Stinson   13  28  .464  .000  11  .909  1.000 
10  Samantha Mendez   18  .167  .000  .000  .000 
12  Kelly Farina   24  .292  .000  .778  10  24  .889 
13  Rylee Davis   .000  .000  16  1.000  12  11  1.000 
17  Hanah Singer   .000  .500  13  .846  .000 
  Totals.........  49  17  124  .258  46  122  .377  73  .918  52  57  .919 
Set  TA  Pct 
19  48  .271 
14  34  .265 
16  42  .238 
Concordia Texas   (3)  25  25  25      
Texas Lutheran   (0)  22  20  21      

   Texas Lutheran      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
5   Makenzie Griffin   27  .148  .000  .000  .889 
11  Bryten Mitchan   12  .000  .000  .000  1.000 
12  Sara Haycraft   .400  .000  .000  1.000 
23  Kelly Jurden   .000  17  50  .340  17  1.000  .000 
24  Brooke Smith   .000  .000  1.000  1.000 
25  Cailey Young   16  .375  .000  .857  1.000 
1   Remy Corbin   .000  .000  1.000  1.000 
2   Christie Cosper   .222  .000  .000  1.000 
3   Jennifer Rodriguez   .000  .000  1.000  .800 
6   Jaci Chambers   .000  .333  14  .857  11  17  1.000 
7   Hannah Mikelonis   18  .278  .000  1.000  1.000 
8   Savannah Kruse   .250  .000  .000  1.000 
13  Mathis Popelsky   .000  .000  1.000  .800 
14  Kelsey Hamrick   -1.000  1.000  .000  .000 
15  Martina Ayala   .000  .000  1.000  1.000 
17  Kionasina Nu'u   1.000  38  .211  1.000  1.000 
18  Kelsi Menn   .000  .000  .000  .000 
19  Alexis Davis   .000  .000  .000  .000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  32  14  106  .170  29  114  .254  65  .954  50  63  .940 
Set  TA  Pct 
10  41  .171 
11  29  .172 
11  36  .167 
    Site: Trinity University (Webster Gymnasium)
Date: Oct 28, 2017 Attend: 68 Time: 1:05


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
2017 SCAC Volleyball
Concordia Texas vs Texas Lutheran
(Oct 28, 2017 at Trinity University)

Concordia Texas def. Texas Lutheran 25-22,25-20,25-21

Concordia Texas (Kills-aces-blocks) - Marissa Stinson 13-0-0;
Marjani Myles 11-0-0; Kelly Farina 9-1-0; Carly Custer 7-1-0; Samantha
Mendez 7-0-0; Georgia Quiroz 2-1-0; Rylee Davis 0-1-0; Totals
49-4-0.0. (Assists) - Georgia Quiroz 42. (Dig leaders) - Rylee Davis
12; Kelly Farina 10; Georgia Quiroz 9; Hanah Singer 8

Texas Lutheran (Kills-aces-blocks) - Makenzie Griffin 7-0-2;
Cailey Young 6-0-1; Hannah Mikelonis 6-1-0; Christie Cosper 4-0-1;
Bryten Mitchan 4-0-1; Savannah Kruse 2-0-0; Sara Haycraft 2-0-2;
Kionasina Nu'u 1-0-0; Kelsi Menn 0-0-2; Kelly Jurden 0-3-0; Jaci
Chambers 0-1-0; Totals 32-5-5.0. (Assists) - Kelly Jurden 17. (Dig
leaders) - Jaci Chambers 11; Brooke Smith 7

Site: Trinity University (Webster Gymnasium)

Date: Oct 28, 2017 Attend: 68 Time: 1:05

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2017 SCAC Volleyball
Concordia Texas vs Texas Lutheran
(Oct 28, 2017 at Trinity University)

1st Set

For CTX: Samantha Mendez; Marjani Myles; Carly Custer; Kelly Farina; Marissa Stinson; Georgia Quiroz; libero Rylee Davis.
For TLU: Bryten Mitchan; Makenzie Griffin; Sara Haycraft; Cailey Young; Brooke Smith; Kelly Jurden; libero Jaci Chambers.
1-0Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Attack error by Carly Custer (block by Bryten Mitchan; Sara Haycraft).
2-0Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Attack error by Samantha Mendez.
2-1Point CTX - (Kelly Jurden) Kill by Carly Custer (from Georgia Quiroz).so
2-2Point CTX - (Carly Custer) Attack error by Makenzie Griffin.
2-3Point CTX - (Carly Custer) Attack error by Bryten Mitchan.
3-3Point TLU - (Carly Custer) Kill by Makenzie Griffin (from Kelly Jurden).so
3-4Point CTX - (Jaci Chambers) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Georgia Quiroz).so
4-4Point TLU - (Rylee Davis) Attack error by Samantha
For TLU: Mathis Popelsky; Makenzie Griffin; Hannah Mikelonis; Brooke Smith.
4-5Point CTX - (Mathis Popelsky) Kill by Marissa
For CTX: Hanah Singer; Samantha Mendez.
4-6Point CTX - (Hanah Singer) Attack error by Bryten Mitchan.
5-6Point TLU - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Hannah Mikelonis (from Kelly Jurden).so
6-6Point TLU - (Kionasina Nu'u) Attack error by Carly Custer.
6-7Point CTX - (Kionasina Nu'u) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).so
7-7Point TLU - (Kelly Farina) Service
For TLU: Kionasina Nu'u; Bryten Mitchan; Christie Cosper; Kelly Jurden.
7-8Point CTX - (Cailey Young) Service
7-9Point CTX - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Carly Custer (from Georgia Quiroz).
7-10Point CTX - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).
7-11Point CTX - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).
8-11Point TLU - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Sara Haycraft (from Kionasina Nu'u).so
For TLU: Makenzie Griffin; Mathis Popelsky; Brooke Smith; Hannah Mikelonis.
8-12Point CTX - (Brooke Smith) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).so
For CTX: Samantha Mendez; Hanah Singer.
8-13Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Kill by Samantha Mendez (from Georgia Quiroz).
8-14Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Kill by Samantha Mendez (from Georgia Quiroz).
Timeout Texas Lutheran.
9-14Point TLU - (Georgia Quiroz) Kill by Christie Cosper (from Kionasina Nu'u).so
For TLU: Bryten Mitchan; Kionasina Nu'u; Kelly Jurden; Christie Cosper.
10-14Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Kill by Sara Haycraft.
11-14Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Service ace (Kelly Farina).
11-15Point CTX - (Kelly Jurden) Kill by Carly Custer (from Georgia Quiroz).so
11-16Point CTX - (Carly Custer) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).
12-16Point TLU - (Carly Custer) Kill by Makenzie Griffin (from Kelly Jurden).so
12-17Point CTX - (Jaci Chambers) Service
13-17Point TLU - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Makenzie Griffin (from Jaci Chambers).so
For TLU: Mathis Popelsky; Makenzie Griffin; Hannah Mikelonis; Brooke Smith.
14-17Point TLU - (Mathis Popelsky) Kill by Cailey Young (from Kelly Jurden).
14-18Point CTX - (Mathis Popelsky) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).so
For CTX: Hanah Singer; Samantha Mendez.
14-19Point CTX - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).
15-19Point TLU - (Hanah Singer) Service
For TLU: Kionasina Nu'u; Bryten Mitchan; Christie Cosper; Kelly Jurden.
16-19Point TLU - (Kionasina Nu'u) Attack error by Carly Custer (block by Cailey Young).
17-19Point TLU - (Kionasina Nu'u) Kill by Cailey Young.
17-20Point CTX - (Kionasina Nu'u) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Georgia Quiroz).so
17-21Point CTX - (Kelly Farina) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).
Timeout Texas Lutheran.
17-22Point CTX - (Kelly Farina) Service ace (Mathis Popelsky).
18-22Point TLU - (Kelly Farina) Kill by Hannah Mikelonis (from Kionasina Nu'u).so
18-23Point CTX - (Cailey Young) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).so
19-23Point TLU - (Marissa Stinson) Service
For TLU: Makenzie Griffin; Mathis Popelsky.
20-23Point TLU - (Hannah Mikelonis) Service ace (Carly Custer).
21-23Point TLU - (Hannah Mikelonis) Attack error by Carly Custer (block by Christie Cosper; Sara Haycraft).
21-24Point CTX - (Hannah Mikelonis) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).so
For CTX: Samantha Mendez; Hanah Singer.
22-24Point TLU - (Georgia Quiroz) Bad set by Georgia
For TLU: Bryten Mitchan; Kionasina Nu'u; Kelly Jurden; Christie Cosper.
22-25Point CTX - (Kelly Jurden) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).so

2nd Set

For CTX: Samantha Mendez; Marjani Myles; Carly Custer; Kelly Farina; Marissa Stinson; Georgia Quiroz; libero Rylee Davis.
For TLU: Savannah Kruse; Makenzie Griffin; Sara Haycraft; Kelly Jurden; Brooke Smith; Cailey Young; libero Jaci Chambers.
0-1Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Kill by Samantha Mendez.
0-2Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Kill by Samantha Mendez (from Georgia Quiroz).
0-3Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Ball handling error by Savannah Kruse.
1-3Point TLU - (Georgia Quiroz) Kill by Makenzie Griffin (from Jaci Chambers).so
2-3Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Attack error by Marjani Myles.
3-3Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Attack error by Marjani Myles.
3-4Point CTX - (Jaci Chambers) Service
3-5Point CTX - (Carly Custer) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Carly Custer), block error by Savannah Kruse.
4-5Point TLU - (Carly Custer) Kill by Savannah Kruse (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Jennifer Rodriguez; Makenzie Griffin; Hannah Mikelonis; Brooke Smith.
4-6Point CTX - (Jennifer Rodriguez) Kill by Samantha Mendez (from Georgia Quiroz).so
4-7Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Attack error by Hannah Mikelonis.
For TLU: Kelsey Hamrick; Hannah Mikelonis.
4-8Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Attack error by Kelsey Hamrick.
4-9Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Attack error by Kelsey Hamrick.
5-9Point TLU - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Savannah Kruse (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Kionasina Nu'u; Savannah Kruse; Christie Cosper; Kelly Jurden.
6-9Point TLU - (Kionasina Nu'u) Kill by Cailey Young (from Kionasina Nu'u).
6-10Point CTX - (Kionasina Nu'u) Attack error by Kelsey
For CTX: Hanah Singer; Samantha Mendez.
For TLU: Alexis Davis; Kelsey Hamrick.
6-11Point CTX - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).
7-11Point TLU - (Hanah Singer) Service
7-12Point CTX - (Cailey Young) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Georgia Quiroz).so
7-13Point CTX - (Kelly Farina) Kill by Georgia Quiroz.
Timeout Texas Lutheran.
8-13Point TLU - (Kelly Farina) Service
For TLU: Makenzie Griffin; Jennifer Rodriguez; Brooke Smith; Alexis Davis.
8-14Point CTX - (Brooke Smith) Kill by (from Georgia Quiroz), block error by Makenzie
8-15Point CTX - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Carly Custer (from Hanah Singer).
9-15Point TLU - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Makenzie Griffin (from Kionasina Nu'u).so
For TLU: Kelly Jurden; Christie Cosper; Savannah Kruse; Kionasina Nu'u.
10-15Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Service ace (Kelly Farina).
11-15Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Attack error by Marjani Myles.
11-16Point CTX - (Kelly Jurden) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz), block error by Sara
For CTX: Samantha Mendez; Hanah Singer.
11-17Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Service ace (TEAM).
12-17Point TLU - (Georgia Quiroz) Service
13-17Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Attack error by Marjani Myles.
14-17Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Kill by Makenzie Griffin (from Kelly Jurden).
14-18Point CTX - (Jaci Chambers) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).so
15-18Point TLU - (Carly Custer) Kill by Cailey Young (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Jennifer Rodriguez; Makenzie Griffin; Hannah Mikelonis; Brooke Smith.
15-19Point CTX - (Jennifer Rodriguez) Kill by Samantha Mendez (from Georgia Quiroz).so
15-20Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Attack error by Savannah Kruse.
15-21Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Service ace (Jennifer Rodriguez).
16-21Point TLU - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Hannah Mikelonis (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Martina Ayala; Savannah Kruse.
17-21Point TLU - (Martina Ayala) Kill by Hannah Mikelonis (from Kelly Jurden).
17-22Point CTX - (Martina Ayala) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).so
For CTX: Hanah Singer; Samantha Mendez.
17-23Point CTX - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Georgia Quiroz).
18-23Point TLU - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Hannah Mikelonis (from Kelly Jurden).so
18-24Point CTX - (Cailey Young) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Georgia Quiroz).so
19-24Point TLU - (Kelly Farina) Kill by Hannah Mikelonis (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Makenzie Griffin; Jennifer Rodriguez.
20-24Point TLU - (Hannah Mikelonis) Attack error by Carly Custer.
20-25Point CTX - (Hannah Mikelonis) Attack error by Makenzie

3rd Set

For CTX: Samantha Mendez; Marjani Myles; Carly Custer; Kelly Farina; Marissa Stinson; Georgia Quiroz; libero Rylee Davis.
For TLU: Bryten Mitchan; Makenzie Griffin; Kelsi Menn; Cailey Young; Kelly Jurden; Brooke Smith; libero Jaci Chambers.
1-0Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Attack error by Marjani Myles (block by Kelsi Menn; Makenzie Griffin).
2-0Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Attack error by Samantha Mendez.
3-0Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Service ace (Kelly Farina).
4-0Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Attack error by Marjani Myles (block by Kelsi Menn; Makenzie Griffin).
5-0Point TLU - (Kelly Jurden) Kill by Makenzie Griffin (from Kelsey Hamrick).
5-1Point CTX - (Kelly Jurden) Kill by Carly Custer (from Georgia Quiroz).so
6-1Point TLU - (Carly Custer) Attack error by Kelly
7-1Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Attack error by Samantha Mendez.
8-1Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Service ace (Carly Custer).
9-1Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Bad set by Samantha Mendez.
10-1Point TLU - (Jaci Chambers) Kill by Bryten Mitchan (from Jaci Chambers).
10-2Point CTX - (Jaci Chambers) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).so
10-3Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Attack error by Bryten Mitchan.
10-4Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Georgia Quiroz).
11-4Point TLU - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Cailey Young (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Remy Corbin; Makenzie Griffin; Hannah Mikelonis; Brooke Smith.
11-5Point CTX - (Remy Corbin) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).so
For CTX: Hanah Singer; Samantha Mendez.
11-6Point CTX - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).
12-6Point TLU - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Bryten Mitchan (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Kionasina Nu'u; Bryten Mitchan; Christie Cosper; Kelly Jurden.
12-7Point CTX - (Kionasina Nu'u) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Carly Custer).so
13-7Point TLU - (Kelly Farina) Ball handling error by Hanah
14-7Point TLU - (Cailey Young) Kill by Christie Cosper (from Kionasina Nu'u).
14-8Point CTX - (Cailey Young) Kill by Carly Custer (from Georgia Quiroz).so
14-9Point CTX - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Georgia Quiroz (from Hanah Singer).
14-10Point CTX - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Carly Custer (from Georgia Quiroz).
15-10Point TLU - (Marissa Stinson) Kill by Kionasina Nu'
For TLU: Brooke Smith; Hannah Mikelonis; Makenzie Griffin; Remy Corbin.
15-11Point CTX - (Brooke Smith) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).so
For CTX: Samantha Mendez; Hanah Singer.
15-12Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Attack error by Makenzie Griffin.
15-13Point CTX - (Georgia Quiroz) Attack error by Christie Cosper.
16-13Point TLU - (Georgia Quiroz) Kill by Christie Cosper (from Kionasina Nu'u).so
For TLU: Bryten Mitchan; Kionasina Nu'u; Kelly Jurden; Christie Cosper.
16-14Point CTX - (Kelly Jurden) Attack error by Bryten
16-15Point CTX - (Carly Custer) Service ace (Makenzie Griffin).
17-15Point TLU - (Carly Custer) Kill by Bryten Mitchan (from Kelly Jurden).so
17-16Point CTX - (Jaci Chambers) Kill by Marjani Myles (from Georgia Quiroz).so
17-17Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).
17-18Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Ball handling error by Kelly Jurden.
Timeout Texas Lutheran.
17-19Point CTX - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Samantha Mendez (from Georgia Quiroz).
18-19Point TLU - (Rylee Davis) Kill by Cailey Young (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Remy Corbin; Makenzie Griffin; Hannah Mikelonis; Brooke Smith.
19-19Point TLU - (Remy Corbin) Attack error by Kelly Farina.
19-20Point CTX - (Remy Corbin) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).so
For CTX: Hanah Singer; Samantha Mendez.
19-21Point CTX - (Hanah Singer) Bad set by Kelly Jurden.
19-22Point CTX - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Kelly Farina (from Georgia Quiroz).
20-22Point TLU - (Hanah Singer) Kill by Bryten Mitchan (from Kelly Jurden).so
For TLU: Kionasina Nu'u; Bryten Mitchan; Christie Cosper; Kelly Jurden.
20-23Point CTX - (Kionasina Nu'u) Kill by Marissa Stinson (from Georgia Quiroz).so
21-23Point TLU - (Kelly Farina) Kill by Christie Cosper (from Kionasina Nu'u).so
21-24Point CTX - (Cailey Young) Attack error by Christie
21-25Point CTX - (Marissa Stinson) Bad set by Christie Cosper.