Dallas vs Southwestern (Tex.) (Sep 21, 2019)


Volleyball Box Score

Volleyball Box Score
2019 SCAC Volleyball Statistics
Dallas vs Southwestern (Tex.)
(Sep 21, 2019 at Shreveport, La.)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
3   Abigail Porras   21  .238 
6   Ellise Anable   21  -.190 
11  Larissa Ramirez   .333  13 
18  Dayjah Whyte   12  .083 
19  Isabel Garcia   18  .000 
21  Anna Stevenson   -.333 
1   Savannah Walker   .000 
2   Kennedy Bradley   .500 
5   Stephanie Janysek   .000 
8   Chloe Ilagan   .000  13 
10  Merit Paramo   -.500 
13  Andriella Wagner   .200 
17  Krystyn Pua   .000 
  Totals  21  21  94  .000  20  47 
Set  TA  Pct 
23  .087 
40  .050 
31  -.129 
Dallas   (0)  11  21  11     7-8, 2-2  
Southwestern (Tex.)   (3)  25  25  25     9-4, 3-0  

   Southwestern (Tex.)      ATTACK  SET  SERVE  SRV  DEF  BLOCK  GEN 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  SA  SE  RE  DIG  BS  BA  BE  BHE 
6   Elleanna McGown   10  26  .269 
8   Emma White   18  .333  12 
10  Riley Brantley   17  .294 
15  Lauren Crabtree   15  -.133 
16  Katelyn Whitehead   10  .600  25 
21  Darby Stowers   12  .333 
2   Taylor Baccus   .000 
4   Landri Brown   1.000 
7   Jessica Kuras   .000 
11  Ali Grona   .000  11 
12  Wren Seabolt   .000 
13  Joelle Zoolkoski   .000 
22  Jess Mayer   .000 
  Totals  39  12  105  .257  36  44 
Set  TA  Pct 
13  25  .440 
15  46  .196 
11  34  .206 
    Site: Shreveport, La. (Fitness Center)
Date: Sep 21, 2019 Attend: 115 Time: 1:10
Referees: Brad Clark, Mike Saxby


Volleyball Detailed Stats

Volleyball Detailed Stats
2019 SCAC Volleyball Statistics
Dallas vs Southwestern (Tex.)
(Sep 21, 2019 at Shreveport, La.)

##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
3   Abigail Porras   21  .238  .000  1.000  .778 
6   Ellise Anable   21  -.190  .250  1.000  21  .875 
11  Larissa Ramirez   .333  13  52  .250  1.000  .000 
18  Dayjah Whyte   12  .083  .000  1.000  1.000 
19  Isabel Garcia   18  .000  .000  .875  1.000 
21  Anna Stevenson   -.333  .000  .000  .000 
1   Savannah Walker   .000  .000  .000  1.000 
2   Kennedy Bradley   .500  .000  1.000  .571 
5   Stephanie Janysek   .000  31  .161  .000  .000 
8   Chloe Ilagan   .000  .125  10  1.000  13  17  1.000 
10  Merit Paramo   -.500  .000  .000  .000 
13  Andriella Wagner   .200  .000  .000  .000 
17  Krystyn Pua   .000  .000  1.000  1.000 
TM  TEAM   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  21  21  94  .000  20  105  .190  45  .978  47  59  .868 
Set  TA  Pct 
23  .087 
40  .050 
31  -.129 
Dallas   (0)  11  21  11     7-8, 2-2  
Southwestern (Tex.)   (3)  25  25  25     9-4, 3-0  

   Southwestern (Tex.)      ATTACK  ASSIST  SERVE     BLOCKING  RECEPT 
##  Player  SP  TA  PCT  TA  Pct  SA  SE  TA  Pct  Dig  BHE  BS  BA  BE  RE  Pct 
6   Elleanna McGown   10  26  .269  .250  1.000  12  1.000 
8   Emma White   18  .333  .500  14  1.000  12  10  .909 
10  Riley Brantley   17  .294  .000  1.000  .000 
15  Lauren Crabtree   15  -.133  1.000  10  .800  .000 
16  Katelyn Whitehead   10  .600  25  76  .329  1.000  1.000 
21  Darby Stowers   12  .333  .000  .000  .000 
2   Taylor Baccus   .000  1.000  10  .900  1.000 
4   Landri Brown   1.000  .000  .000  .000 
7   Jessica Kuras   .000  .000  .000  .000 
11  Ali Grona   .000  .333  13  .846  11  15  1.000 
12  Wren Seabolt   .000  .000  10  1.000  .000 
13  Joelle Zoolkoski   .000  .000  .000  .500 
22  Jess Mayer   .000  .500  1.000  .000 
TM  Team   .000  .000  .000  .000 
  Totals.........  39  12  105  .257  36  99  .364  73  .932  44  40  .909 
Set  TA  Pct 
13  25  .440 
15  46  .196 
11  34  .206 
    Site: Shreveport, La. (Fitness Center)
Date: Sep 21, 2019 Attend: 115 Time: 1:10
Referees: Brad Clark, Mike Saxby


Short Box Score

Short Box Score (Match)
2019 SCAC Volleyball Statistics
Dallas vs Southwestern (Tex.)
(Sep 21, 2019 at Shreveport, La.)

Southwestern (Tex.) def. Dallas 25-11,25-21,25-11

Dallas (7-8, 2-2) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Abigail Porras 7-1-0;
Dayjah Whyte 4-1-2; Ellise Anable 3-0-1; Andriella Wagner 2-0-1;
Isabel Garcia 2-0-1; Anna Stevenson 1-0-0; Larissa Ramirez 1-2-1;
Kennedy Bradley 1-0-0; Totals 21-4-3.0. (Assists) - Larissa Ramirez
13. (Dig leaders) - Chloe Ilagan 13; Ellise Anable 7

Southwestern (Tex.) (9-4, 3-0) (Kills-aces-blocks) - Elleanna
McGown 10-0-2; Emma White 7-2-0; Darby Stowers 6-0-1; Riley Brantley
6-0-1; Katelyn Whitehead 6-0-0; Lauren Crabtree 3-3-0; Landri Brown
1-0-0; Wren Seabolt 0-3-0; Taylor Baccus 0-1-0; Totals 39-9-2.0.
(Assists) - Katelyn Whitehead 25. (Dig leaders) - Emma White 12; Ali
Grona 11; Elleanna McGown 9

Site: Shreveport, La. (Fitness Center)

Date: Sep 21, 2019 Attend: 115 Time: 1:10
Referees: Brad Clark, Mike Saxby

Play-by-Play Summary

Play-by-Play Summary
2019 SCAC Volleyball Statistics
Dallas vs Southwestern (Tex.)
(Sep 21, 2019 at Shreveport, La.)

1st Set

For SU: Lauren Crabtree; Darby Stowers; Emma White; Elleanna McGown; Riley Brantley; Katelyn Whitehead; libero Ali Grona.
For UD: Isabel Garcia; Anna Stevenson; Abigail Porras; Ellise Anable; Dayjah Whyte; Larissa Ramirez; libero Chloe Ilagan.
1-0Point SU - (Larissa Ramirez) Kill by Emma White (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
2-0Point SU - (Emma White) Service ace (Abigail Porras).
3-0Point SU - (Emma White) Kill by Darby Stowers (from Katelyn Whitehead).
4-0Point SU - (Emma White) Attack error by Abigail Porras (block by Darby Stowers; Elleanna McGown).
5-0Point SU - (Emma White) Attack error by Anna Stevenson.
5-1Point UD - (Emma White) Kill by Anna Stevenson.so
5-2Point UD - (Abigail Porras) Attack error by Lauren Crabtree.
5-3Point UD - (Abigail Porras) Service ace (Emma White).
6-3Point SU - (Abigail Porras) Attack error by Anna Stevenson.so
For UD: Krystyn Pua.
7-3Point SU - (Ali Grona) Bad set by Chloe Ilagan.
8-3Point SU - (Ali Grona) Kill by Riley Brantley (from Katelyn Whitehead).
Timeout Dallas.
9-3Point SU - (Ali Grona) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Ali Grona).
For UD: Andriella Wagner.
9-4Point UD - (Ali Grona) Attack error by Elleanna McGown.so
10-4Point SU - (Chloe Ilagan) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Lauren Crabtree).so
11-4Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Attack error by Ellise Anable.
12-4Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Bad set by Chloe Ilagan.
For UD: Abigail Porras.
13-4Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Service ace (Ellise Anable).
14-4Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Kill by Riley Brantley (from Katelyn Whitehead).
15-4Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Service ace (Ellise Anable).
15-5Point UD - (Lauren Crabtree) Service error.so
For SU: Jessica Kuras; Jess Mayer.
15-6Point UD - (Isabel Garcia) Kill by Ellise Anable (from Larissa Ramirez).
16-6Point SU - (Isabel Garcia) Service error.so
For UD: Savannah Walker.
16-7Point UD - (Elleanna McGown) Kill by Ellise Anable (from Larissa Ramirez).so
17-7Point SU - (Ellise Anable) Kill by Emma White (from Jess Mayer).so
17-8Point UD - (Riley Brantley) Kill by Dayjah Whyte (from Larissa Ramirez).so
18-8Point SU - (Dayjah Whyte) Kill by Darby Stowers (from Jess Mayer).so
For SU: Katelyn Whitehead; Lauren Crabtree.
18-9Point UD - (Katelyn Whitehead) Kill by Abigail Porras (from Larissa Ramirez).so
For UD: Abigail Porras.
19-9Point SU - (Larissa Ramirez) Attack error by Abigail Porras.so
19-10Point UD - (Emma White) Kill by Abigail Porras (from Larissa Ramirez).so
For UD: Andriella Wagner.
20-10Point SU - (Abigail Porras) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
21-10Point SU - (Ali Grona) Kill by Riley Brantley (from Katelyn Whitehead).
21-11Point UD - (Ali Grona) Kill by Ellise Anable (from Larissa Ramirez).so
22-11Point SU - (Chloe Ilagan) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
23-11Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Kill by Riley Brantley.
24-11Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Service ace (Ellise Anable).
25-11Point SU - (Lauren Crabtree) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Katelyn Whitehead).

2nd Set

For UD: Abigail Porras; Isabel Garcia; Andriella Wagner; Dayjah Whyte; Ellise Anable; Larissa Ramirez; libero Chloe Ilagan.
For SU: Riley Brantley; Katelyn Whitehead; Joelle Zoolkoski; Emma White; Elleanna McGown; Lauren Crabtree; libero Ali Grona.
0-1Point UD - (Katelyn Whitehead) Kill by Abigail Porras (from Larissa Ramirez).so
1-1Point SU - (Abigail Porras) Kill by Emma White (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
2-1Point SU - (Emma White) Bad set by Chloe Ilagan.
3-1Point SU - (Emma White) Service ace (TEAM).
3-2Point UD - (Emma White) Attack error by Lauren Crabtree.so
4-2Point SU - (Chloe Ilagan) Kill by Lauren Crabtree (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
5-2Point SU - (Ali Grona) Attack error by Ellise Anable.
6-2Point SU - (Ali Grona) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Katelyn Whitehead).
6-3Point UD - (Ali Grona) Service error.so
7-3Point SU - (Isabel Garcia) Kill by Riley Brantley (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
For UD: Stephanie Janysek; Merit Paramo.
7-4Point UD - (Lauren Crabtree) Service error.so
8-4Point SU - (Ellise Anable) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
Timeout Dallas.
9-4Point SU - (Elleanna McGown) Kill by Katelyn Whitehead (from Ali Grona).
9-5Point UD - (Elleanna McGown) Kill by Abigail Porras (from Stephanie Janysek).so
9-6Point UD - (Dayjah Whyte) Service ace (Team).
9-7Point UD - (Dayjah Whyte) Kill by Abigail Porras (from Ellise Anable).
10-7Point SU - (Dayjah Whyte) Kill by Lauren Crabtree (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
11-7Point SU - (Riley Brantley) Kill by Emma White (from Katelyn Whitehead).
12-7Point SU - (Riley Brantley) Kill by Emma White (from Katelyn Whitehead).
13-7Point SU - (Riley Brantley) Kill by Emma White (from Katelyn Whitehead).
14-7Point SU - (Riley Brantley) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Lauren Crabtree).
14-8Point UD - (Riley Brantley) Kill by Andriella Wagner (from Stephanie Janysek).so
For UD: Isabel Garcia; Larissa Ramirez.
14-9Point UD - (Larissa Ramirez) Attack error by Emma White (block by Isabel Garcia; Andriella Wagner).
14-10Point UD - (Larissa Ramirez) Service ace (Joelle Zoolkoski).
14-11Point UD - (Larissa Ramirez) Kill by Andriella Wagner (from Larissa Ramirez).
15-11Point SU - (Larissa Ramirez) Kill by Katelyn Whitehead (from Emma White).so
15-12Point UD - (Katelyn Whitehead) Kill by Isabel Garcia (from Larissa Ramirez).so
For SU: Darby Stowers.
15-13Point UD - (Abigail Porras) Attack error by Lauren Crabtree.
16-13Point SU - (Abigail Porras) Kill by Lauren Crabtree (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
For UD: Krystyn Pua.
16-14Point UD - (Emma White) Kill by Larissa Ramirez (from Chloe Ilagan).so
16-15Point UD - (Chloe Ilagan) Attack error by Darby Stowers.
16-16Point UD - (Chloe Ilagan) Kill by Isabel Garcia (from Larissa Ramirez).
Timeout Southwestern (Tex.).
17-16Point SU - (Chloe Ilagan) Attack error by Dayjah Whyte.so
18-16Point SU - (Ali Grona) Bad set by Larissa Ramirez.
19-16Point SU - (Ali Grona) Attack error by Isabel Garcia.
Timeout Dallas.
19-17Point UD - (Ali Grona) Service error.so
19-18Point UD - (Isabel Garcia) Attack error by Lauren Crabtree (block by Dayjah Whyte; Larissa Ramirez).
19-19Point UD - (Isabel Garcia) Kill by Dayjah Whyte (from Larissa Ramirez).
19-20Point UD - (Isabel Garcia) Attack error by Lauren Crabtree (block by Dayjah Whyte; Ellise Anable).
20-20Point SU - (Isabel Garcia) Attack error by Dayjah Whyte.so
For SU: Taylor Baccus.
For UD: Stephanie Janysek; Merit Paramo.
21-20Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Attack error by Ellise Anable (block by Riley Brantley; Elleanna McGown).
22-20Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Kill by Katelyn Whitehead (from Taylor Baccus).
23-20Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Attack error by Ellise Anable.
24-20Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Attack error by Merit Paramo.
24-21Point UD - (Taylor Baccus) Service error.so
For UD: Abigail Porras.
25-21Point SU - (Ellise Anable) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Katelyn Whitehead).so

3rd Set

For SU: Elleanna McGown; Emma White; Jessica Kuras; Darby Stowers; Katelyn Whitehead; Riley Brantley; libero Ali Grona.
For UD: Andriella Wagner; Larissa Ramirez; Ellise Anable; Krystyn Pua; Isabel Garcia; Dayjah Whyte; libero Chloe Ilagan.
1-0Point SU - (Krystyn Pua) Kill by Emma White (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
2-0Point SU - (Emma White) Kill by Darby Stowers (from Katelyn Whitehead).
3-0Point SU - (Emma White) Attack error by Isabel Garcia.
4-0Point SU - (Emma White) Kill by Darby Stowers.
4-1Point UD - (Emma White) Attack error by Elleanna McGown.so
4-2Point UD - (Chloe Ilagan) Attack error by Elleanna McGown.
4-3Point UD - (Chloe Ilagan) Kill by Dayjah Whyte (from Larissa Ramirez).
4-4Point UD - (Chloe Ilagan) Attack error by Darby Stowers.
5-4Point SU - (Chloe Ilagan) Attack error by Ellise Anable.so
5-5Point UD - (Ali Grona) Kill by Dayjah Whyte (from Larissa Ramirez).so
6-5Point SU - (Isabel Garcia) Attack error by Ellise Anable.so
For UD: Stephanie Janysek; Merit Paramo.
For SU: Taylor Baccus.
7-5Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Attack error by Ellise Anable.
For UD: Kennedy Bradley.
8-5Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Kill by Katelyn Whitehead (from Elleanna McGown).
9-5Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Attack error by Dayjah Whyte.
10-5Point SU - (Taylor Baccus) Service ace (Kennedy Bradley).
10-6Point UD - (Taylor Baccus) Kill by Kennedy Bradley (from Stephanie Janysek).so
For UD: Abigail Porras.
10-7Point UD - (Kennedy Bradley) Attack error by Riley Brantley.
11-7Point SU - (Kennedy Bradley) Kill by Riley Brantley (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
11-8Point UD - (Elleanna McGown) Kill by Abigail Porras (from Stephanie Janysek).so
12-8Point SU - (Dayjah Whyte) Attack error by Merit Paramo.so
13-8Point SU - (Riley Brantley) Bad set by Stephanie Janysek.
14-8Point SU - (Riley Brantley) Kill by Katelyn Whitehead (from Emma White).
Timeout Dallas.
For SU: Wren Seabolt.
15-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Attack error by Merit Paramo.
16-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Service ace (Kennedy Bradley).
17-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Service ace (Kennedy Bradley).
For UD: Ellise Anable.
18-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Kill by Katelyn Whitehead.
19-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Kill by Elleanna McGown (from Katelyn Whitehead).
For SU: Landri Brown.
20-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Service ace (Abigail Porras).
21-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Kill by Darby Stowers (from Katelyn Whitehead).
22-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Attack error by Andriella Wagner.
23-8Point SU - (Wren Seabolt) Attack error by Merit Paramo.
23-9Point UD - (Wren Seabolt) Kill by Abigail Porras (from Stephanie Janysek).so
For UD: Larissa Ramirez; Isabel Garcia.
23-10Point UD - (Larissa Ramirez) Bad set by Katelyn Whitehead.
For SU: Riley Brantley.
23-11Point UD - (Larissa Ramirez) Service ace (Team).
24-11Point SU - (Larissa Ramirez) Kill by Darby Stowers (from Katelyn Whitehead).so
For SU: Jessica Kuras; Jess Mayer.
25-11Point SU - (Jess Mayer) Kill by Landri Brown (from Jess Mayer).