Neb. Wesleyan vs. McMurry
@ Irving, TX (Maher Athletic Center)
8/30/2024 at 2:48 pm

Final 1 2 3 Score
McMurry (0-2,0-0 SCAC) 13 10 10 0
Neb. Wesleyan (1-0,0-0 American Rivers) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
NWU -- 1st -- MCM
  F-8530 starters: Annikah, Frank; Jacee, Dinkins; Carli, Colbert; Rylie, Patterson; Addyson, Tiffin; Jennika, Willis.  
  F-462 starters: Elecea, Saathoff; Delaney, Ferguson; Aliah, Clarke; Grayson, Piening; Kobie, Patten; Addie, Thomas.  
[Colbert, Carli] Attack error by Patten, Kobie (from Piening, Grayson). Point MCM 0-1
1-1 [Colbert, Carli] Attack error by Dinkins, Jacee (from Page, Hannah). Point NWU
  NWU subs: Ziebarth, Lily.  
[Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Tiffin, Addyson (from Colbert, Carli), block error by Ferguson, Delaney. Point MCM 1-2
  MCM subs: Ukle, Chloe.  
2-2 [Ukle, Chloe] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
  NWU subs: Ramirez, Molly.  
[Saathoff, Elecea] Kill by Dinkins, Jacee (from Colbert, Carli), block error by Saathoff, Elecea. Point MCM 2-3
3-3 [Tiffin, Addyson] Kill by Ferguson, Delaney (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
4-3 [Thomas, Addie] Service ace (Dinkins, Jacee). Point NWU
5-3 [Thomas, Addie] Service ace (Team). Point NWU
[Thomas, Addie] Attack error by Patten, Kobie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point MCM 5-4
  MCM subs: Quillan, Ashlyn.  
6-4 [Quillan, Ashlyn] Kill by Ramirez, Molly (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
7-4 [Holle, Raegan] Kill by Clarke, Aliah (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
[Holle, Raegan] Attack error by Clarke, Aliah (from Thomas, Addie). Point MCM 7-5
8-5 [Dinkins, Jacee] Kill by Ramirez, Molly (from Holle, Raegan). Point NWU
  MCM subs: Dorsey, Isabela.  
[Ramirez, Molly] Kill by Frank, Annikah (from Quillan, Ashlyn). Point MCM 8-6
9-6 [Page, Hannah] Attack error by Colbert, Carli (from Quillan, Ashlyn). Point NWU
[Patten, Kobie] Attack error by Clarke, Aliah (block by Frank, Annikah; Tiffin, Addyson). Point MCM 9-7
10-7 [Colbert, Carli] Service error. Point NWU
11-7 [Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
12-7 [Ziebarth, Lily] Attack error by Tiffin, Addyson (from Colbert, Carli). Point NWU
13-7 [Ziebarth, Lily] Attack error by Colbert, Carli (block by Saathoff, Elecea; Ferguson, Delaney). Point NWU
14-7 [Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
15-7 [Ziebarth, Lily] Service ace (Frank, Annikah). Point NWU
  MCM subs: Blanton, Bailey.  
16-7 [Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
[Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Willis, Jennika (from Ziebarth, Lily). Point MCM 16-8
17-8 [Ukle, Chloe] Service error. Point NWU
18-8 [Saathoff, Elecea] Service ace (Blanton, Bailey). Point NWU
[Saathoff, Elecea] Attack error by Ferguson, Delaney (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point MCM 18-9
[Tiffin, Addyson] Attack error by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point MCM 18-10
19-10 [Tiffin, Addyson] Service error. Point NWU
20-10 [Thomas, Addie] Attack error by Blanton, Bailey (from Colbert, Carli). Point NWU
21-10 [Thomas, Addie] Attack error by Blanton, Bailey (from Colbert, Carli). Point NWU
22-10 [Thomas, Addie] Service ace (Blanton, Bailey). Point NWU
[Thomas, Addie] Kill by Willis, Jennika (from Colbert, Carli). Point MCM 22-11
23-11 [Quillan, Ashlyn] Kill by Ramirez, Molly (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
[Holle, Raegan] Attack error by Clarke, Aliah (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point MCM 23-12
[Blanton, Bailey] Attack error by Clarke, Aliah (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point MCM 23-13
24-13 [Blanton, Bailey] Service error. Point NWU
25-13 [Ramirez, Molly] Bad set by Quillan, Ashlyn. Point NWU
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NWU -- 2nd -- MCM
  F-8530 starters: Annikah, Frank; Jacee, Dinkins; Carli, Colbert; Rylie, Patterson; Addyson, Tiffin; Jennika, Willis; Hannah, Page; Chloe, Ukle; Ashlyn, Quillan; Isabela, Dorsey; Bailey, Blanton.  
  F-462 starters: Elecea, Saathoff; Delaney, Ferguson; Aliah, Clarke; Grayson, Piening; Kobie, Patten; Addie, Thomas; Raegan, Holle; Lily, Ziebarth; Molly, Ramirez.  
  MCM subs: Ukle, Chloe; Dinkins, Jacee; Blanton, Bailey; Dorsey, Isabela; Quillan, Ashlyn.  
  NWU subs: Ziebarth, Lily; Ramirez, Molly.  
  MCM subs: Rogers, Shaely.  
1-0 [Patten, Kobie] Attack error by Frank, Annikah (from Page, Hannah). Point NWU
[Patten, Kobie] Attack error by Patten, Kobie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point MCM 1-1
[Frank, Annikah] Kill by Willis, Jennika (from Colbert, Carli). Point MCM 1-2
2-2 [Frank, Annikah] Service error. Point NWU
  MCM subs: Ukle, Chloe.  
  NWU subs: Ziebarth, Lily.  
3-2 [Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Saathoff, Elecea (from Patten, Kobie). Point NWU
4-2 [Ziebarth, Lily] Attack error by Rogers, Shaely (from Colbert, Carli). Point NWU
[Ziebarth, Lily] Service error. Point MCM 4-3
5-3 [Tiffin, Addyson] Attack error by Rogers, Shaely (block by Ferguson, Delaney; Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
  NWU subs: Ramirez, Molly.  
6-3 [Saathoff, Elecea] Kill by Ramirez, Molly (from Thomas, Addie). Point NWU
  NWU subs: Ramirez, Molly.  
[Saathoff, Elecea] Kill by Willis, Jennika (from Colbert, Carli). Point MCM 6-4
  MCM subs: Quillan, Ashlyn.  
7-4 [Quillan, Ashlyn] Kill by Saathoff, Elecea (from Thomas, Addie). Point NWU
[Thomas, Addie] Kill by Patterson, Rylie (from Quillan, Ashlyn). Point MCM 7-5
8-5 [Rogers, Shaely] Attack error by Colbert, Carli (from Quillan, Ashlyn). Point NWU
[Holle, Raegan] Service error. Point MCM 8-6
9-6 [Page, Hannah] Service error. Point NWU
10-6 [Ramirez, Molly] Attack error by Frank, Annikah (block by Clarke, Aliah; Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
11-6 [Ramirez, Molly] Kill by Patten, Kobie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
[Ramirez, Molly] Kill by Frank, Annikah (from Quillan, Ashlyn). Point MCM 11-7
12-7 [Colbert, Carli] Service error. Point NWU
13-7 [Patten, Kobie] Kill by Clarke, Aliah (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
14-7 [Patten, Kobie] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Holle, Raegan). Point NWU
15-7 [Patten, Kobie] Service ace (Frank, Annikah). Point NWU
16-7 [Patten, Kobie] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
17-7 [Patten, Kobie] Attack error by Willis, Jennika (from Colbert, Carli). Point NWU
18-7 [Patten, Kobie] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
[Patten, Kobie] Kill by Tiffin, Addyson (from Colbert, Carli). Point MCM 18-8
  MCM subs: Aldrich, Zoe.  
19-8 [Frank, Annikah] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
[Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Tiffin, Addyson. Point MCM 19-9
20-9 [Tiffin, Addyson] Service error. Point NWU
21-9 [Saathoff, Elecea] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
22-9 [Saathoff, Elecea] Kill by Ramirez, Molly (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
23-9 [Saathoff, Elecea] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
24-9 [Saathoff, Elecea] Service ace (Ukle, Chloe). Point NWU
[Saathoff, Elecea] Service error. Point MCM 24-10
25-10 [Quillan, Ashlyn] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
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NWU -- 3rd -- MCM
  MCM subs: Ukle, Chloe; Frank, Annikah; Rogers, Shaely; Colbert, Carli; Tiffin, Addyson; Willis, Jennika; Quillan, Ashlyn.  
  NWU subs: Ziebarth, Lily; Piening, Grayson.  
  MCM subs: Fallon, Erin; Dinkins, Jacee; Stephens, Reese; Humphries, Kendra.  
  F-8530 starters: Annikah, Frank; Carli, Colbert; Rylie, Patterson; Addyson, Tiffin; Jennika, Willis; Hannah, Page; Shaely, Rogers; Chloe, Ukle; Ashlyn, Quillan; Zoe, Aldrich.  
  F-462 starters: Elecea, Saathoff; Delaney, Ferguson; Aliah, Clarke; Grayson, Piening; Kobie, Patten; Addie, Thomas; Raegan, Holle; Lily, Ziebarth; Molly, Ramirez.  
1-0 [Fallon, Erin] Kill by Ramirez, Molly (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
2-0 [Thomas, Addie] Attack error by Humphries, Kendra (from Fallon, Erin). Point NWU
3-0 [Thomas, Addie] Service ace (Aldrich, Zoe). Point NWU
4-0 [Thomas, Addie] Service ace (Dinkins, Jacee). Point NWU
5-0 [Thomas, Addie] Attack error by Dinkins, Jacee (from Page, Hannah). Point NWU
[Thomas, Addie] Service error. Point MCM 5-1
6-1 [Dinkins, Jacee] Kill by Ramirez, Molly. Point NWU
  NWU subs: Benson, Sydney.  
7-1 [Benson, Sydney] Service ace (Dinkins, Jacee). Point NWU
8-1 [Benson, Sydney] Service ace (Page, Hannah). Point NWU
[Benson, Sydney] Service error. Point MCM 8-2
9-2 [Page, Hannah] Service error. Point NWU
  NWU subs: Hofer, Ellah.  
10-2 [Ramirez, Molly] Attack error by Humphries, Kendra (from Fallon, Erin). Point NWU
11-2 [Ramirez, Molly] Kill by Patten, Kobie (from Hofer, Ellah). Point NWU
12-2 [Ramirez, Molly] Kill by Clarke, Aliah (from Hofer, Ellah). Point NWU
[Ramirez, Molly] Kill by Aldrich, Zoe (from Fallon, Erin). Point MCM 12-3
  MCM subs: Montoya, Allison; Servati, Jaidan.  
  NWU subs: Piening, Grayson.  
[Montoya, Allison] Service ace (Team). Point MCM 12-4
13-4 [Montoya, Allison] Attack error by Servati, Jaidan (from Montoya, Allison). Point NWU
14-4 [Patten, Kobie] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Piening, Grayson). Point NWU
15-4 [Patten, Kobie] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Hofer, Ellah). Point NWU
16-4 [Patten, Kobie] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Hofer, Ellah). Point NWU
17-4 [Patten, Kobie] Attack error by Aldrich, Zoe (from Montoya, Allison). Point NWU
18-4 [Patten, Kobie] Service ace (Dinkins, Jacee). Point NWU
[Patten, Kobie] Attack error by Thomas, Addie (from Hofer, Ellah). Point MCM 18-5
[Aldrich, Zoe] Attack error by Clarke, Aliah (block by Dinkins, Jacee; Patterson, Rylie). Point MCM 18-6
[Aldrich, Zoe] Attack error by Clarke, Aliah (block by Dinkins, Jacee; Patterson, Rylie). Point MCM 18-7
[Aldrich, Zoe] Bad set by Hofer, Ellah. Point MCM 18-8
19-8 [Aldrich, Zoe] Service error. Point NWU
  NWU subs: Ziebarth, Lily.  
[Ziebarth, Lily] Kill by Dinkins, Jacee (from Montoya, Allison). Point MCM 19-9
20-9 [Patterson, Rylie] Kill by Thomas, Addie (from Hofer, Ellah). Point NWU
[Saathoff, Elecea] Kill by Dinkins, Jacee (from Montoya, Allison). Point MCM 20-10
21-10 [Fallon, Erin] Kill by Ferguson, Delaney (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
22-10 [Thomas, Addie] Service ace (Aldrich, Zoe). Point NWU
23-10 [Thomas, Addie] Kill by Ramirez, Molly (from Saathoff, Elecea). Point NWU
24-10 [Thomas, Addie] Attack error by Aldrich, Zoe (from Humphries, Kendra). Point NWU
25-10 [Thomas, Addie] Service ace (Aldrich, Zoe). Point NWU
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